[Edo] Natsu x Reader: Dirty Laundry

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A/N: This was inspired by Dirty Laundry by All Time Low; I'm way to obsessed with their new album.

    Dirty laundry was piling in her room, yet she always remained looking nice and fresh. This wasn't like her, she was always so neat. It was confusing to the poor pink haired boy, who was with her through all her heartaches and breaks.

   (Y/N)'s closet was a mess after another break up. These days, she couldn't seem to keep a boyfriend. Friends were scarce as well, but one had stuck with her through the thunder and the rain. It was none other than Natsu Dragion. He was sitting at the edge of (Y/N)'s bed, staring into her messy closet; the same closet that used to be so neat and clean.

    The two were supposed to go get lunch, but (Y/N) was looking for something to wear. Most of her clothes was on the floor, unwashed. Finally giving up, (Y/N) pulled on her hair and grabbed something from the pile. "I've only worn this once, it's good enough."

    Natsu nodded as (Y/N) went off to go get ready. When she reappeared, she looked stunning. He had always had a thing for the young mage, but he never had the confidence to confess. "Let's go." Natsu said, almost breathlessly.


    It was later than Natsu and (Y/N) had expected when they left the restaurant, and (Y/N)'s apartment was on the other side of town. "(Y/N), it's not safe for you to walk all the way all the way home this late at night. Come stay with me?" He could feel the blush coming on as he finished his statement, praying that the moonlight wouldn't provide enough light for her to see it.

    "Sure, bud."

    "It's just around the corner, so we'll be there soon." The pair reached Natsu's place not long after this was said. (Y/N) sat on the couch watching TV while Natsu ran off to his bedroom to get an extra T-shirt for her to change into and to take his shower. "You can go take a shower if you want," he offered her whilst handing the shirt.

    "Thanks." (Y/N) sighed, "Sorry I haven't been myself lately. It's just-"

    Natsu placed his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, "I understand, it's totally fine."

    As she left the room, Natsu thought to himself, "Today has got to be the day. I have to confess today. Or tomorrow. How about tomorrow morning."


    (Y/N) woke up in the morning to feel someone staring at her. Of course, it was Natsu, who was waiting for her to wake up. She began feeling flustered, her crush- the guy she liked, was watching her sleep.

    Allow me to explain, (Y/N) and Natsu had been best friends as long as they could remember. Once (Y/N) hit her teenage years, she began developing feelings for lil Natsu. At the same time this was happening to (Y/N), it was happening to Natsu as well. Now this was all around the time that Lucy started getting closer to Natsu, and (Y/N) was certain that he liked her; she started dating guys she had no interest in just to block out the pain of being in love with her best friend.

    "Five more minutes." (Y/N) ordered as she threw her arm over her eyes.

    When the time had passed, Natsu poked (Y/N)'s cheek, "Okay, time to wake up. I want to tell you something over breakfast. I made scones."

   Seated across from Natsu at his dining room table, (Y/N) ate her food quickly. "So, what was it you wanted you wanted to tell me?"

   "Uh," Natsu stammered to find the words, "well, for awhile I've liked- no really liked...adored this one stunning girl, and I find it really hard to say this but...It's you."

   "Me?" (Y/N) blinked in utter shock, "Are you sure? I've been told I was the most difficult person on the face of the Earth many times. And that no man would ever fall for a heartless monster like myself. Also I was once told that I am the spawn of Satan. Me?"

  "Yeah.." Natsu trailed off sheepishly.



   "Yay! I'm really happy 'cause I like you too." (Y/N) ran around the table to Natsu and gave him a bear hug from behind.


     Back at (Y/N)'s house, the two had said their goodbyes and she was about to close the door when Natsu turned around blurted out, "-(Y/N)! Dirty Laundry looks good on you."

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