Zeref x Reader: This Little Girl

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I'm three steps from the edge, woah

Don't push me over it

Don't you know, don't you know

"I can't believe you failed the mission. It was easy when me and Luce went on it." Natsu shook his head. "Anyways, can't you use any magic other than guns? This is a wizards' guild not a rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty guild."

      After Natsu's word pierced the air, everyone knew he'd made a mistake. "You know what! You're right Natsu, I should leave, and I will. But mark my words, one day I will return better and stronger than most of you. I quit this guild, it was nice knowing most of you."

       (Y/N) turned out of the guild, ignoring some of the members protests. She walked away from the guild for years, meeting two new people before ever thinking of coming back. When (Y/N) went, she ran into a dragon, which she thought were extinct, who taught her magic just like Igneel did Natsu. (Y/N) ditched the guns, and became a 'Dark' Slayer.

Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her

Watch out you don't push me any further, any further

You're not the only one walking 'round with a loaded gun

This little girl is capable of murder, 'cause you hurt her

"You've got to gather more magical energy if you want a roar as mighty as mine. Really gather it, and keep it with you at all times. You should be getting there, (Y/N), we've been training for months." Acnologia, (Y/N) new friend, had been training her to become a Acnologia Slayer, or a 'Dark' Slayer.

    With that bit of encouragement, and a few extra hours, (Y/N)'s roar was perfected. "Good! Now, tell me why I trained you to begin with? You've never told me." The dragon towering over (Y/N) asked, curiously

"Mhm? Well that's an easy question, really. The guild I was in, Fairy Tail," (Y/N) paused to see if Acnologia knew who she was talking about, as he briefly nodded, "Well, there was this boy, who called me weak for not being able to complete a mission. That's why, Natsu Dragneel."

Acnologia chuckled at the fury (Y/N) represented when she said his name, "And how old were you when this happen, 7 years ago?"

"Oh, I was nine."

     A new voice joined the conversation, "Nine years old? My, god. Natsu always has been a handful, but really, he picked on a nine year old. I'm deeply sorry for what Natsu has done. And let me introduce myself, I'm Zeref Dragneel, Natsu's older brother."

~Years Later at Alvarez Empire~

"Zeref, we've got a kingdom of rubble, a guild of ballistic weirdos and fallen soldiers. What are we going to do? I also have exterminated Acno, he was to big a threat after years without humanity. It was either kill or be killed." (Y/N) said to her fiance.

    He simply put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead, "You don't need to justify your actions to me. You were capable of so much destruction, and you used it to save the human race, even if it meant hurting a past friend. Thank you, (Y/N), and I'm sure Fairy Tail will say the same thing after we call off this war."


"(Y/N) (L/N), it's been awhile." Natsu chuckled as the rest of their army looked to him to see whether they'd call off the war or stay and fight (Y/N) and Zeref. "You're definitely stronger than you were when I first met you, years ago."

"Yeah, well, you fuelled me to become stronger. Will you accept Zeref and my request to merge countries and become allies and members of the same guild?" (Y/N) questioned; Mavis was shaking her head like crazy trying to persuade Natsu to say yes.

    "Well," Natsu took a breath and smirked, to purposely withdraw the situation, "You and Zeref both hold great power, and it would suck for a bunch of wounded people to have to fight you two." Natsu motioned to the guilds of Fiore standing behind him. "And you single handedly defeated Acnologia, who was threatening to kill us all. So, my answer is totally yes. But tell me, how did you have enough magical energy to defeat him?"

  (Y/N) scratched her neck, "In retrospect, he really was defeated by himself alone, and you. When I was training with him, he always said 'Find something that fuels you to destroy everything in your path' and it was always you calling nine year old me weak. So I guess you could say, this little girl was capable of murder, since you hurt me."


"QUICK GET UNDER THE BLANKET (Y/N)!" Zeref shouted as he quickly got his boxers on just as the door was knocked open

"Zeref! (Y/N)! WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE KIDS AT MY HOUSE WITH LUCY!" A certain pinkette shouted.

"Because, it's our anniversary, and I happen to want three kids," Zeref stated, "Not two."

Natsu turned bright red, as he turned around and walked out, "Oh, um, carry on....Have a good rest of the night you two...."

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