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Song: I'll be (I've used this song like a lot)



A soft knock wakes me up from a deep slumber.

Groaning, I turn in bed.

"Stila..." A voice says.

"Stilaaa," The voice says again after no response.

All too soon, I recognize the voice as Clyde's.

"What the hell are you doing here? If you come into this room I will chop off your balls," I yell out at him, jumping up in bed and holding my sheet over my head just in case.

"You're really sticking to this whole tradition thing?" He asks through the door.

"Yes! Now go away before I decide to not marry you," I tell him, smiling at myself.

"That's not funny. I missed sleeping next to you last night, and so did Alden. You might need to pump some milk before the wedding. Alden's a fat little chicken nugget."

It's been 5 months since Alden was born. To say the least, me and Clyde are deeply enthralled by him. Ian is a happy boy; he loves bragging about his baby brother to anyone who would listen.

"I missed you too. But I enjoyed sleeping throughout the night without being interrupted. Well, i guess I was interrupted. Do you realize it's 6:55 in the morning? I have 5 more minutes before the girls come and hassle me!"

"I'm sorry, beautiful. I just wanted to hear your voice."

"I like hearing your voice, too. I'll forgive you only if you go before they see you. I don't want THEM chopping off your balls, it's my job," I tell him, giggling at myself.

"Bye, my precious. I'll see you at the altar," he responds before I hear his steps descending down the hall.

I spend the next two minutes basking in thoughts married life before the sounds of an elephant stampede are heard outside of my door.

"Stila, deary! It's your big day." A muffled voice came through the door.

Smiling, I open the door to the most important women in my life. I see my mother, Clyde's mother, Julie, June, Susan, and Aila. As well as the boy who wishes he were a girl, Theo.

"You look like you were up before we came in here," My mom speculates, raising one of her eyebrows.

"I had to use the bathroom ten minutes ago," I lie, looking anywhere but at her.

"Mhm, okay," she says, not believing one word I say but going with it anyway.


After taking a shower and my lovely acquaintances forcing me to pamper myself all day, I am finally sitting in a chair getting poked and prodded for the awaiting ceremony.

"You're looking beautiful," my mom whispers, close to tears.

"Mom, please don't cry. If you cry, I cry. If my mascara runs, I'm pretty sure Theo will kill me," I laugh.

"I can't help it! My baby is growing up." She cried, letting a tear escape.

"Mom," I groan, but 3 seconds later I'm smiling because she has taken me into her arms.

"Let's go get you married!" She shouted, pressing a small, yet lasting, kiss on my cheek.


As 4:30 pm rolls around, my bridesmaids and groomsmen start walking down the aisle.

"Are you nervous?" My father asks me, getting ready to walk me down.

"Only because of the crowd. I'm not nervous about marrying Clyde, I know he's the one for me," I respond, quickly checking my face in the mirror to make sure that none of the tears that had to be released messed up my makeup too much.

"I'm proud, you know. I wasn't necessarily happy about the situation you got yourself into when you first met Clyde, but both you and he owned up to and I got another 2 grandchildren out of it. You also got away from that terrible boss. You're marrying a guy that can take great care of you while you care for both your children and for that, I am eternally grateful. I support you. And I will always be here for you. I'm ready to let you go face the real world, Stila Banks. Let's go make you Stila Lyles," my father said, his voice breaking at the end.

So much for my makeup.

I pull my father into a hug, trying not to sob my eyes out.

"Daddy, that was the best speech you've ever given me. Even better than the birds and the bee's speech," I said after releasing my dad while trying to dab the salty tears away from my face.

Taking my father's arm, I walk into the room where my future awaits, not once turning back. In some ways, I'm thankful for Craig Tele, who turned my world upside down with just making one single request.

Life can't be about rainbows and unicorns and starships.

Life is about love.

And with that, I enter into my new life; one with an adopted six-year-old boy, a 5-month-old child, and a hot piece of ass.


It's done :)

Thank you, loves 

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xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101

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