Chapter Eleven

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(Also important A/N on the bottom)

Chapter Eleven

Week 14- The baby's eyes begin to move, while the arms and legs can flex. The baby's' hands can open and close into fists, making movements such as putting hands into the mouth. The organs of taste and smell are developing. The baby's skin is becoming thicker, while hair follicles are appearing below the skin surface.


Today's the day.

My family will either love the news or hate it and if it's the latter I'm going to be really... emotional.

I hop into the shower and use a bunch of soothing soaps, hoping it'll relax my nerves.

I get out and get dressed in a sweater dress, hoping that it'll hide the barely visible bump. After blow drying and straightening my hair, I begin on my makeup. Since both my parents and my 3 siblings were going to be there, I wanted to look nice.

After applying all of my face makeup, I move onto the eyes. Using my Lorac pro 3 palette, I do a fancy eye and make sure to add my signature wing. One more coat of mascara, and boom, I was done.

I run my fingers through my recently straightened black hair, enjoying the appearance of volume and shines.

Walking out of my bedroom, I see Theo eating a cupcake at the counter, looking fashionably dashing wearing only all black.

"Ready, Theo?" I ask him, stealing his cupcake and taking a bite,

"Sure am!" He says back.

Since I was telling my family about my pregnancy tonight, I figured I would need some support from my best friend, so I invited him along.

My phone beeped, signaling a text from my awaiting uber. Theo and I headed downstairs, stopping to say hi to Frank. Being a doorman was be so boring, but at the same time exciting.

We got into the uber and began the journey to my parents two-story townhouse on the outskirts of Manhattan.

My hands wouldn't stop wringing my fingers out, and beads of sweat were on my forehead.

"Stila, baby. Calm down. Your parents will be ecstatic to know that they are expecting another grandchild. And this fella's other uncles will love your child to death. I promise," Theo says, taking my hand and not letting go until we got to the brick building.

We got out, and Theo paid the uber driver because I forgot my purse. Luckily, I remembered my cell phone.

Walking up the steps to the front door, Theo took my hand and rang the doorbell. All too soon, the face of Sandy Banks, my mother, was smiling at me and Theo while opening the door and gesturing us in. She was a petite lady, and both her and my dad were 51. She had a cute little bob with her blonde hair, and like me, green eyes. Except hers were sparkling with knowledge of the unknown. Throughout me and my sibling's lives, she was the perfect house-mom.

"Pleasure to see you again, Theo," She says, taking our coats and hanging them up in the foyer closet.

"The pleasures all mine," Theo says back, ever the charmer.

We walked to the living room, where everyone was gathered. I could see Joe, my 25-year-old brother with his sleek black hair and mysterious brown eyes. Growing up, I was the closest to him considering how our age gap was only one year apart. Safe to say, he was the most protective of me and he'd probably take the news the hardest.

Moving my glance over to the right, I saw Josh, my 27-year-old brother, and his wife. Josh's appearance was basically the opposite of Joe's. Josh had brown hair and blue eyes, ever so bright. Last year, he got married to the love of his life; June. You wouldn't believe what month they got married in. Totally cliche.

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