Chapter Thirty-One

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Song: Celine Dion, A new Day has Come (The reasonings behind this song are truly touching and match Stila's current situation)

Chapter Thirty-One

Week 33- The baby begins to gain weight more quickly- ½ a pound a week- and is getting ready to leave the mother's womb. The baby weighs about 5 ½ pounds and is 20 inches long. Baby's won't continue to get longer but will continue to gain weight.


"WHY HAVEN'T I MET MY NEPHEW YET?" Theo shouts at me from over the phone.

"Chill," I reply, unlocking the apartment door with my key and grabbing the bags of groceries I bought.

"How DARE YOU tell ME to chill. I haven't met your SON yet and you're telling me to chill?" He says, his voice icy.

"You can come over and meet Ian tonight, if it's so important to you," I mutter, dropping the groceries onto the counter.

"Really?" Gone was the iciness, replaced with hope.

"Of course. I can't have you wait any longer to meet your nephew, that'd be a sin," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"You're the best, Stila Banks!" He cried out and then hung up on me.

Shaking my head at his silly antics, I put away the groceries.

"Mother fucker," I muttered, looking at the time and grabbing my keys.

I'm supposed to pick Ian up in five minutes.

I rushed out of the apartment building and hailed a taxi, calling the school at the same time and telling them I'll be ten minutes late.

I finally arrived and told the Taxi driver to wait while I grab Ian.

Walking into the school, I quickly turn my head around and let out a big breath when I see him.

"Oh, god Ian. I'm so sorry," I say, wiping a fallen tear.

"Mommy, it's okay," he says, wrapping his small arms around me.

Did he just call me mommy?

"What was that you called me, honey?" I asked him, pulling back and holding his tiny face in my hands.

"I called you mommy. If you don't want me to, I can still call you Ms.S-" He started, twisting his fingers in nervousness.

"No, mommy is fine, buddy," I interrupted, letting a huge smile take over my face.

"Really?" He asks, his brown eyes growing big.

"Really, really," I answer, kissing his forehead and picking him up, although it was difficult with the pregnant belly and all.

I walk out with him still on my hip to the awaiting taxi.

"The fares still running, lady," the cab driver grouchily said.

"Okay," I answer, not wanting to argue with Ian in the car.

After making sure Ian was properly buckled, I gave the go ahead to the driver and we were on our way.

"Know who's coming over tonight, buddy?" I ask him, interrupting him silently viewing the busy streets.

"Who?" He asks, jumping up and down in his seat excitedly.

"Your uncle!"

"I don't have an uncle, though," he says, confusion aligning his face.

"I have 4 brothers, honey," I say, reaching out and running my fingers through his hair.

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