Chapter 25: Careless Hormones

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Chapter 25: Careless Hormones


It has been two months and nothing has changed, besides me giving Genevieve occasional singing lessons on my days off.

At this point, I believe I'm one of the strongest women in this entire castle; hell, in this entire country. Ever since Vincent came back and Gina almost fired me, I still stayed strong for my twins. Believe me, I want to leave this castle so damn bad. I've only spoken to two people in the past two months... well, four if you count Lady Melanie and Lady Genevieve. The only people who are being strong for me are Frank and Aimee. If it wasn't for them, I think I'd just say 'fuck it, I'm leaving this damn castle'. But, the only thing truly holding me back right now are my twins.

I'm almost twenty-one weeks now and I'm definitely showing. One glance and you'd think I'm twenty-five weeks into a single baby pregnancy. But it's good, my little ones can hear the outside world now. Because of that, I like to keep my distance away from all the negative people in my life: Vincent, Tiffany, Hank, Gina, The Queen, The King, and many more. Yes, both the King and Queen have been giving me looks, as if they know something. They never look at Melanie that way.

Speaking of Melanie. She's sixteen weeks into her pregnancy, an entire month behind myself. Vincent has really outdone himself.

Moreover, Melanie and I recently had a prenatal checkup together and the most exciting thing happened! My babies kicked! I was so happy, I started crying during Melanie's ultrasound.

"Shadé, what happened? Why are you crying, sweetie," Melanie had asked from her position on the hospital bed.

I didn't answer her right away, I had to get myself together. "Th-they k-k-kicked. My b-babies k-kicked," I had hiccupped as tears of joy fell freely down my cheeks. I felt the kick of the baby on the left and another from the baby on my right. It felt so unreal! But, it's not, I'm actually pregnant.

That day, Dr. Hans asked if I wanted to find out the sex of my twins, but I politely declined. I wanted to find out their genders when the day comes. For now, I just assume that I'm having a boy and a girl.

When we came back home, Melanie and I compared our ultrasound photos. Of course, we could barely see them, but we still had a friendly bond. I didn't mind befriending Melanie, even though she and I are pregnant by the same man. I enjoyed her comfort and company, and with there being so little people in this castle that actually like me, I needed all the comfort I can get.

Whenever she finds out that Vincent is the father of my twins, which she hopefully won't because I'm not telling her and neither will Vincent, this friendship with her might have to end because I know she'll dislike me for smiling in her face this whole time. But, they're definitely getting married very soon. In the next two months, actually. I can't say that I'm happy for neither one, because they're both terrible to one another when it comes to faithfulness. Well, Vincent has stopped sleeping around, at least from what I know. But Melanie, I don't think she or Rodney are calling it quits.

Yeah, they're sleeping together. What a surprise. When Melanie confided in me one night while in her drunken stupor, she told me when she and Rodney hooked up. They started talking the day I vomited at their luncheon. She told me why they did it. Vincent seemed halfway there during both sex and their relationship. And she told me how they hooked up. He spent a night at her estate after her sister went to bed earlier than expected.

All I could say to all this is wow. I'd hate to be Melanie's sister.

"Are they still together, Rodney and Malona," I had asked that night.

"What? No, they broke up a week before," Melanie said, slightly slurring.

At least Rodney's single, somewhat. But, it still doesn't cut the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend with her sister and his brother's fiancée. That sucks.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ