Chapter 16: The Unexpected

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Chapter 16: The Unexpected


I bit my lip in anxiety during the whole ride back to the castle. Vincent had gotten angry from Frank and me not answering his question. But, did that intimidate me in the least? No, it hadn't. Vincent wouldn't hurt me, physically, that is. But, Frank was another concern. I didn't want him to get attacked by Vincent again, so I had to protect him.

"Well," he had urged harshly. I was sitting in the front seat, but Vincent was seated diagonally behind me. He had a perfect view of my profile as I could feel his blue, pierce-like gaze burning into my cheek. "What happened," he asked again, impatiently.

We'd pulled up to the castle's gates by now. The moment the car stopped, I immediately stepped out, opened Frank's door, and tugged him with me.

"Hey, come back here," Vincent shouted across the roof of the car. I couldn't disobey Vincent in front of his bodyguard; he may think I'm getting some sort of special treatment.

"Yes, Sir," I answered timidly. Frank and I turned around to see a fuming Prince stomping his way toward us.

"Someone better tell me what happened, or else...," his voice trailed off dangerously with an evil gleam.

I squeezed Frank's hand a little harder and looked up at him, giving him a knowing glance. I released my grip on him and gestured for him to keep walking.

We stayed silent for a few seconds as we waited for Troy, who had a confused look on his face as he passed by.

"What," I hissed angrily, realizing that no one was in earshot. "You're beginning to make everything obvious, you know," I continued. He was pissing me off with these angry and jealous attitudes.

"I don't give two shats about me mak-" I cut him off and placed my hand over his lips. He was way too loud for comfort. I didn't want anybody to eavesdrop on this conversation.

"You need to cut that out; this loudness isn't helping the situation and its stressing me," I said quietly as I slowly dropped my hands from his pink lips. At that moment, they looked kissable, but considering how angry I am with him, he isn't getting anything from me.

"Stressing you!? The fact that you're not telling me about my baby's health is stressing me," he said incredulously. His voice rose a bit higher as he spoke, causing me to instinctively check the area for any eavesdroppers.

"Look, Vincent. Can we have this conversation at a later, safer time? I'm not trying to risk getting caught discussing a baby's health with you," I pleaded. His face was a red ball of fury, but his words were so calm and composed.

"Fine, I'll see you at midnight," he said.

With that, I turned on my heels and headed toward the castle, ignoring the penetrating gaze that Vincent was most likely sending me.



I watched Shadé make her way toward the castle and couldn't help but think about the times we used to spend together. That and the fact that she wants to keep anything concerning the-our-baby to herself. I helped conceived the child, so shouldn't I know any and all problems with our baby? Of course.

Oddly enough, it actually hurt me to know that Folashadé didn't want me in our baby's life. How in the hell was that supposed to even work out!? I can't be a king and watch my own child grow up without knowing who their father is when they're living in such a close proximity with me! I can't ignore that.

I turned around and leaned onto the hood of the Rolls Royce and pulled out my iPhone. I frowned in annoyance at the childish appearance of the new update; it was hideous in my opinion.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now