Chapter 7: I'll know when you love me

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Chapter 7: I'll know when you love me


"Folashadé, please, just breath," Tiffany said soothingly rubbing my back and handing me more tissues.

I was sobbing like crazy, hyperventilating. I couldn't be pregnant! I just couldn't! What if I jinxed myself when I asked Vincent about it? Oh my god, this is all my fault! I should've kept to myself. I knew I shouldn't have let him sweet talk me.

"T-T-Tiff, noooo... I c-can' pre-preg-pregnant," I stuttered between sobs. I couldn't even speak nor could I properly breathe. This was all too much. Asking Vincent what he'd do if I was pregnant was only a theoretical question. It wasn't supposed to actually happen!

Tiffany grabbed my cheeks and stared at me, her brown eyes pierced my dark, molasses ones. "Shadé, look at me. I know you don't want to be pregnant, but you can't get rid of the baby," Tiffany said in a soft, stern whisper.

I sniffled and shook my head. "No, no, no."

"Who's the father," Aimee abruptly asked. Both she and Tiffany looked at me expectantly. I couldn't tell them who the real father is. I'd be thrown out of the castle. Vincent would hate me, as well as the rest of the castle's residents. Hell, what if they reinforced the use of the gallows on me!?

"'s um..." I stammered. Who could I say is the father?

"Oh my god! Is it Frank?! The gardener!?" Aimee asked with wide eyes.

Without thinking, I nodded. Suddenly, I felt arms being thrown over my shoulders.

"Oh, Shadé! I knew you and Frank were hooking up! We have to tell him," Tiffany squealed pulling me into a tight embrace.

I pouted, but that pout suddenly turned into a smile as I caught Aimee staring at me with a smirk.

"Tiff, I think it's best for me to tell Frank. By myself," I said, yet my gaze was on Aimee.

"Oh, I won't tell him," Aimee auspiciously said as she crossed her arms over her chest, yet a smirk was still upon her face.

Tiffany pulled out of the embrace and rested her hands on my shoulders. "I won't tell either. But this is so exciting! God, I wonder what the baby will look like. Will it have blondish hair? Or black hair? Brown eyes? Or blue eyes?" Tiffany sounded more excited than myself. I, on the other hand, was near to devastation.

"Yeah," I chuckled.

"Well, Tiff, let's go. We have to get back to work before Gina finds out that we're missing," Aimee sighed, making her way to the door. "By the way, Shadé, are you going to tell him about your pregnancy soon?"

I looked at her grimly, but nodded, nonetheless. "Don't worry, I'll tell him soon. But for now, keep this only between us, ok."

They both nodded their heads before leaving my room.

I laid on my stomach on top of my bed and buried my face into my pillow. My eyes were still red rimmed with tears. It didn't help that new ones were trickling through. This pregnancy was going to be absolutely terrible for me. I could feel it.


I was standing outside in the garden watching as Frank tended to the sprouting tulips and lilies. Frank was a tall, brawny man with deep blue eyes. His blonde-brownish curly head of hair would always end up with soil in it, resulting in him constantly having to wash his hair. Frank and I were fairly close. Not too close to where we'd end up having feelings for one another. It was never like that. I always saw him to date someone like Tiffany, or maybe even Aimee; a petite white girl. For me, Frank was like my brother; I could tell him anything, but with this particular predicament that I'm in... I'm sort of debating whether or not I should tell him.

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