Chapter 21 - That's What Friends Are For

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A Few Days Later

Ryan’s POV

I had destroyed my relationship with Max. I knew it, and the guilt consumed me like a fire, slowly burning away at everything I believed in and all the will I had to keep going without him.

After I left Max’s house that afternoon I went to my apartment and locked myself away, drowning my sorrows and guilt in as much alcohol as possible. 

I was lying in bed, a bottle in my hand, staring at the blue sheets and reliving memories which made my heart hurt when my phone rang.

‘There better be a good excuse for why I just turned on the TV and saw a video of you saying that Claudia’s having your baby,’ My brothers voice came from the phone.

‘I’m marrying Claudia, she’s pregnant,’ I told him, rolling around in the sheets, dreaming of happier times filled with sweet kisses and warm embraces.

‘I know, my question is why? You called me last week, you were going to go public with Max, what happened?’

‘Max and I are done, Max doesn’t love me anymore,’ Oh Max. He was so good to me. The room was spinning a little bit, so I tried to keep my head still.

‘Your words are slurred, how much have you had to drink?’

‘Only like three bottles, but who cares right? Max doesn’t care!’ I laughed, a vodka bottle rolling off the edge of the bed and hitting the carpet below.

Naughty bottle!! Oh you silly thing!

‘Ryan, Max is probably just upset. Did you sleep with Claudia? Is that why you’re staying with her? Because the baby is yours?’

The baby wasn’t mine! Oh babies are cute aren’t they?

‘Zach’s baby, I don’t like women! No! I like dic-’

‘Ok, does Max know that?’ he cut me off.

‘Yes, but I have to marry her Benny boy, I have to,’ I told him strongly, because it was true, I had to. For Max. Yes. I had done it to save Max from her wrath.


Oh it’s a secret. But Ben asked, so I have to tell him! I lowered my voice to a whisper, so no one else could hear. 

‘Cause, shhh, don’t tell anyone, she’s a monster, she will make me be alone again, she will kill Max’s career.’

‘Ryan, can I call someone? Do I need to come back to LA?’ My brothers worried voice came from the phone and I wished that he would leave me to wallow in self pity in peace.

Turning over, I buried my head in the soft blue sheets.

These blue sheets are nice. This is a big bed, I wonder if I roll, if I-‘Ommph’

‘Ryan! Ryan are you ok?’

I giggled, ‘I fell of the bed! The bed! HAAHA’

‘Ok, I’m calling Max.’

‘NO! Don’t call Maxxie! He doesn’t love me.’

‘Ok, I’m calling Cameron.’

‘Cameron’s a sweetheart. Oh Cameron, Cameron, Cameron.’

‘Please don’t leave your apartment Ryan.’

‘Why, are there monsters!? Or Dragons!?’ OOhh I could be a monster slayer! I could be the hero and save the whole town! Max would love me then!

‘Don’t wooorry Bennny, I will slay that dragon and save us all!’ I told him, searching the room with my eyes for any weapon that might work on a dragon, but coming up short. Maybe I should go to a dragon armour store. Do they exist? Maybe I should start one!

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