Chapter 2 - Shy Smiles and Smug Smirks

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Here's the second chapter :) Enjoy!

Max's POV

We had fallen back asleep in each others arms after we had spent almost an hour rolling around between the sheets. My lack of sleep had allowed my eyes to close even thought I knew I had to be up soon. Ryan's body was curled around mine as I woke for the second time, the sounds of his breathing filling my ear. I reached over to the bedside table and fumbled to find my phone without waking Ryan up. I had two texts.

Came by your apartment to pick you up for the photo-shoot, but you weren't there. I assume that you'll make your own way there. Don't be late! – Aria

Another reminder why we hardly sleep at my apartment. Aria seems to think that it's appropriate to barge in at any time, which would probably lead to the poor girl having a heart attack if she walked in and saw us. I read the second text.

                I'm at the studio, you better be here on time today Max. You have half an hour – Aria

I checked the time stamp on the most recent one and sighed, I had twenty minutes to be up and ready for the photo-shoot. My lack of sleep was going to make this photo-shoot a challenge, but hopefully Aria would spare my life today.

I looked down at Ryan, I hated leaving when he was asleep, but I didn't want to wake him up. I placed a soft kiss to his honey coloured hair and gently manoeuvred my body out of his hold expertly, having done this many times over the past year.

I gathered up my clothes and took a quick shower before changing into some spare clothes and walking back over to the bed. I left a note for him and pulled my dark sunglasses over my eyes before walking out of the room, making my way to the hotels back exit.


The car dropped me off at a large white building, I passed one woman as I walked the ten or so feet to the building and she took a photo of me. I made sure to smile and give her a wave before stepping into the building.

I was accosted by a group of people, all wanting to either tell me something or do something to prepare me to the photo-shoot, also I was apparently two minutes late, of which, they acted like it was some federal crime.

One woman with make-up in her hands asked me to stay still, and started applying some foundation looking stuff to my face, while a man held up some outfits to my body, shaking his head at most and nodding at some.

'Step away people,' Aria's commanding voice came from behind me and suddenly the people all dispersed like birds at the sound of gunfire.

'You're late Max,' she told me, grabbing my arm and steering me towards a door at the far end of the studio, passing many onlookers, fear in their eyes when Aria would make eye contact with them. Aria was not a violent person, but when she was at work, well, let's say she is well, demanding. Her parents are publicists and had run a large agency, so she was taught at a young age how to get things done in show business.

We walked into the room, and I was pleasantly surprised that the room was more of a dressing room than Dexter's killing room, like I had imagined. She would never actually kill me, but I wouldn't put it past her try to scare some sense into me.

I smiled hesitantly at my manager slash publicist, and hoped that she wasn't too mad, but she retuned my smile with ease, thank-god, I would live to see another day.

Aria Reid was a tall girl, her hair in long dark curls which ended just above her waist. She had deep set brown eyes which were like pools of chocolate, catching your gaze and never letting you go. She was quite pretty, being only twenty three. I had first met her at nineteen and both of our careers had grown over the years, but our friendship was never forgotten. I was always thank-full I was a good actor, because over all these years she had never once doubted my sexuality. At times I did wish that she would work it out, it had always felt like I was keeping apart of myself from my best friend and she was the closest thing other than Ryan that I had to family, seeing as my parents lived in Florida.

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