Chapter 15 - Realisations and Misinformation

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Ryan's POV

I knocked on Max's big door, seeing as I left the key to his place at home. The wooden barrier angered me, and I knocked harder and faster each second that it was still in my way.  

I had to talk to him, I had to figure all this out. Why would he not tell me? Why was I hearing about this from Claudia and not him? Has he kept anything else from me?  

My anger and frustration grew each minute of the car drive over to Max's apartment, and manifested into some serious road rage during the ten minute journey.  

I was furious that he would keep something as big as this from me and devastated at the thought of losing him. I tried to keep my mind off of the hurt and dread welling up deep in my gut, so I focussed on the rage and anger which was closer to the surface.  

I waited and the door slowly opened, revealing Max. He wore a green shirt and black jeans, but his feet were bare.  

'Rya-' he stared but I put all of my body weight into a shove to his chest and he stumbled back out of the doorway and further into his apartment. 

'Ryan? Wha-' he asked confusedly as he straightened himself.  

'How could you?' I yelled at him, 'How could you keep this from me!'  

He looked shocked and tried to touch my arm but I slapped it off. Hurt flashed in his eyes at my action.  

'Were you ever going to tell me!? Or were you going to call me from the set and say 'hey Ryan, I'm leaving you for eight months, moving across the globe'' I practically screamed at the man, who looked at me, eyes wide.  

Shock covered his face and he struggled to find the words at first, his mouth just opening and closing a few times before an actual sentence formed.  

'R-Ryan I'm not-' 

'DON'T LIE TO ME!' I screamed at the man in front of me, I couldn't believe that he would do this. He knew how abandoned I felt when my parents died and when my brother moved to New York four years ago. He knew, yet he didn't even consider me in this.  

Was this my punishment for not going public with him when he asked? Was he giving up on us, on me?  

'I'm not-' 

'Claudia told me everything! I know that you took the job in Australia! Australia Max! How could you do that without even talking to me! I didn't want to go public so you're just giving up on us? Did you think it would be easier to break up if you just flew to the other side of the world?!' it started off forceful but my voice broke and tears fell down my cheeks. I wiped my hand across my cheeks, trying to stop them from falling, but failing miserably.  

'Ryan please,' He tried to talk to me, but I couldn't hear the words. I couldn't listen to what he had to say. It was already breaking my heart.  

He looked confused and frustrated and he took a step towards me, reaching out his arm to calm me down but I pushed him away and ran into his bathroom, locking the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror, tears falling down my cheeks. I looked like a blubbering mess, but the way I looked on the outside barely pierced the veil of what I was feeling on the inside, the hurt and pain was ripping itself through my body as each second came and went.  

I pulled my hand through my hair and braced my hands on the sink.  

How could he do this and then try to lie to me!?  

Everyone I loved was leaving me.  

I moved away from the sink and sat down on the cold tiles, resting my head against the side of the tub.  

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