Chapter 2: Serve You With a Side of Eggs

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Comment + Vote. Dedicated to Hilostmemonkey!! Though the cover might change, she had several entries that were hard to choose from, so they might switch to one of those! Thank you soo much loved it!! Another off to the side. 2nd and 3rd place will also get their own dedicated chapter because they came so close too! Oh and Hunter and December refer to each other by names a lot. Like to a point where it might get annoying. It's just a thing they do.

Slideshow of all her entries to the side! 3 second pauses!

"Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes."-Jim Carrey

Chapter 2: Serve You With a Side of Eggs

December’s Pov.

I finished my walk home steaming from my last encounter with Hunter. He knew all the right ways to get on my nerves. From clicking his pen, to poking me, to throwing little papers, this was more interaction than I wanted from him. Even I knew that this wasn’t the last that I’d see of him, something tells me that he’ll be around a lot more now.

That last thought troubled me though. I could just sense the oncoming trouble I would be into because of Hunter and I wasn’t willing to ruin my life because of a careless boy, who just wanted to mess with me.

Really Hunter wouldn’t be that bad of a catch if it weren’t for his criminal record and his remiss attitude. He was tall, good-looking, and actually smart. But I wasn’t the type of girl to fall for charm, though I didn’t see all the charm the other girls talked about. If anything he was annoying and bothersome.

I unlocked my door and slid inside my home, skipping up to my room. I had nothing to do, usually every Thursday night Ana would come over and we’d talk for a couple of hours, like normal girls. But today she had to go to ballet practice, so I was alone.

I paced my room and with a sigh picked up my book and headed over to my windowsill. This action led my thoughts back to the infamous Hunter. His whole presence was a profusion of trouble. He was a fracas in my quiet life. But I believe in myself and I know with a little active ignoring and patience, that I can get him to leave me alone.

I’ve known Hunter since the 7th grade. I mean we live in California it wasn’t like it was a small town either. We lived in a small suburb city by Los Angeles. I sighed and put the book back down, there was no way I was going to be able to concentrate with him on my mind.

Hunter was devilishly handsome and the epitome of the phrase ‘looks can be deceiving’. He didn’t look innocent or anything but he didn’t look like the type to do anything super bad either. Though I’m not even sure what he did, I’m sure it’s terrible. I’ve heard rumors but even Hunter said earlier that rumors are not always the truth. I need to stop. My uncle has never been wrong before and I know he’s not this time.

I looked back out the window and saw Hunter walking my way. I could have ducked out of the way again but that would be no use; he already knew where I lived. I scrunched my eyes in confusion on why he was walking towards my house with a smile and a bag in hand. I stood up and watched him walk closer but then a similar police car came down the street.

For some odd reason I wasn’t happy to see my uncle and my stomach had butterflies swarming in alarm for Hunter. My Uncle stopped in front of my house and got out and stopped Hunter in his tracks. I gasped in horror. I could only hope to God that Hunter didn’t tell me Uncle that he knew me. Then he would think I didn’t heed his warnings.

Hunter looked up at me and winked. My Uncle didn’t see it and Hunter gave him a short answer and kept walking down the street. I can only assume he was going to Tristan’s house. But I knew he had something else in mind at the time.

Chasing December (#wattyawards2015)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ