Chapter 25 - High Noon at the OK Corral

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Blythe's POV

I didn't know what was more shocking...the painful bite of the gravel against my knee as the ground ripped a hole in my jeans or the flying shards of glass that flew through the air as the shattering windshield exploded. Within seconds, chaos erupted around me. Luca's weight was heavy over me as he used his body to shield me from the barrage of bullets. He pressed me against the tire of the limo, blocking the crazy scene from view.

"Are you okay?" he whispered frantically, his hands tenderly cupping my face, and only then did I realize tears had escaped my eyes with the impact of my body meeting the pavement.

"Yeah," I answered softly, nodding at him. His expression grew fierce, and his words were nothing short of a direct order.

"Don't move," he growled. He suddenly lifted his body and stood behind the car, arm lifted and gun extended. With his body no longer smothering me, I was able to see Eastcott and Wilson ducking around the walls of the hotel. Toms was kneeling behind the back wheel well, and I hadn't been able to locate Burke in my quick scan of the area. The limousine was blocking my view of the enemy beyond us, so I wasn't sure if it was even a fair fight.

Looking at my position in relation to the vehicle, I realized I could reach the back passenger door. I wondered if we could gradually slip inside the car to make our escape. I tugged at Toms' pant leg, as he was the closest person to me. He was using the trunk to shield himself, while Luca was using the engine. When Toms ducked to find out why I was so insistent, his dark grey eyes were stormy and unhappy.

"What?!" he hissed.

"What are the chances we can slip into the limo and get out of here?" I answered, equally irritated, although my anger was directed towards a rather persistent ex-boyfriend.

Toms searched the lot quickly. "It looks like a few of them are out of commission. We might be able to make it work." He grunted, making eye contact with Eastcott. "We can't stay here. That's for sure."

Toms spoke something into an earpiece I didn't even realize he had. I thought only Secret Service and FBI agents used those. That would teach me not to use television as my basis for education any more. Within seconds, Burke's shocking red hair popped over Toms shoulder, his pale green eyes narrowed.

"Eastcott and Wilson will cover us, then double back for an SUV," he advised. "I'll drive."

Toms nodded, and continued to intermittently raise himself to the edge of the trunk to fire at our attackers.

"What the hell is going on over there?" Luca yelled over the gun fire, his eyes blazing in disapproval at us.

"Switch places with me, boy-o," Burke ordered.

Luca grumbled something about taking orders, but acquiesced, and was soon at my side. Hesitantly, I lifted my hand and opened the back door of the limousine. I crept into the floor of the vehicle, holding my breath and waiting for Luca to follow. When I felt his warm body next to mine, the tension in my muscles started to relax. My body was still alert and ready for action, but knowing he was okay put my heart at ease.

"Shit!" Burke's booming voice echoed throughout the car. I stared in horror as he shoved open the driver's side door, which was facing the shooters, and shoved the dead chauffer onto the street. It wasn't the most respectful move when handling the dead, but in our hurry, Burke must have realized it was a vital move so that he could drive the car.

The loud ping of the bullets hitting the metal body of the car caused a shiver to run down my spine. The front door slammed shut and I heard the engine turn just as Toms jumped into the back of the car. He settled into a long seat that ran the length of the limo, and lifted his head to watch the action from the window.

A Minor Technicality [Completed] *Slowly Editing*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora