Chapter 8

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From this chapter on it will get extremely emotional. I have planned it like this and the ending of this book might be or might not be a happy ending! But this is the first book as I plan on writing a whole series on this!.

Please do keep in mind that this is only a story and that it is my choice how I write it.

1 year since Sydney was rescued by Lily

Lily breathed heavily as she emptied her stomachs contents. She had started getting sick in the mornings for a few weeks now and had even gotten more crankier.

Snapping at Sydney and making both of them angry only to end up having sex.

Sydney had gotten worried that she had eaten something badly that was making her like this not knowing Lily had not bled for over six months.

It never once crossed his mind that she might be pregnant as he walked through the forest alone.

It was one of those days where Lily had snapped at him for the simplest of things and he took of storming. Now walking a familiar path which led him to something he thought he would never see again.

Standing on the mountain that had the large help sign on it he looked with many different emotions to the horizon where a small speed boat was heading to the shore.

Sydney's mind was still adjusting but his body was already reacting as he ran down towards the beach. Shouting out and waving his hands franticly as the boat came closer to shore.

He instantly recognized his younger brother and two cousins who stared in awe and shock at him.

"Sydney!?!" They yelled, his brother jumping from the boat as he swam up to shore.

Tackling Sydney in a bear hug that landed them both on their backs in the sand.

Both men starting to cry as they embraced once again. Their two cousins joining in on the reunion as they piled onto Sydney. 

"I thought I would never see you again!" His brother cried out still clinging to his neck as both men shed tears.

"I thought you stopped looking for me" Sydney admitted once they pulled away from each other. The three men looked around the beach before talking to Sydney. All three of them telling him how hard it was to find this island and that they had nearly searched all the islands around it until finding this one.

The large SOS sign giving them hope that their brother and cousin was still maybe alive.

"So are you ready to get of this bloody island?" Rick, his eldest cousin ask as they radioed the bigger ship that was far of shore. That one question had Sydney tense up.

His brother and cousins found him. He was more then ready to leave this island.

But was he ready to leave Lily? Over the past year he had learned to love her. All she had done for him since he ended up on this island. All the days and nights they spent making love.

He was never as close with a girl or woman as he was with her. And he had actually started liking it.

Then his plans came back to mind and the cave full of diamonds. All the other caves he had explored and had even planned on building a storage building for his illegal drug business.

"Not yet. There is something I need to tell you guys first. And then show." The three men looked at him curiously and in disbelief as he told them his plans. And then told them about the girl he had met and who had saved him.

"I cant just up and leave without telling her. And I cant exactly introduce you guys to her yet. For the reason that I don't know how she will react to seeing more people or learning that I am leaving her after all this time." Sydney's words where pained.

"Why not take her back with you? If you are so fond of the girl" that question Sydney had also asked himself a lot of times. He had even talked to Lily about it but she was stubborn. She believed that they would live on the island till death.

"Because she refuses to think about being rescued one day. She believes that we will die on this island. Go back to the boat and let me talk to her. Show her that we can be rescued." The three men agreed and Sydney watched as the speed boat was pulled up to the main boat. One of Sydney's personal boats.


Lily had cried her eyes out when Sydney stormed off. Her emotions sky rocketed as she was once again left alone to deal with all this emotions on her own. She didn't know what was going on with her and why she was all of a sudden eating more. Her stomach felt weird: It was hard and round and a small bump like form was starting to show. She had not bled for six months as she tried to think of a rational explanation for this weird things happening to her body.

Leafs and twigs snapped and Lily's head snapped to where Sydney walked out of the dense forest around them. He looked at her with a new emotion that she could not make out. Slowly and cautiously he walked over to where she was sitting by the fire, cooking up clam soup. She looked so beautiful from where he was standing. Her usual brown tanned skin complementing her dark brown curly hair that she had cut to her mid waist with the knife. She was now sporting a piece of cloth that hang around her waist covering up the most private parts and a piece of clothing covering her ample breasts that had seemed to grow over the past few weeks.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked as he took a seat next to her. Her eyes glanced over as tears ran down her soft cheeks. Sydney pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him as her body shook with sobs.

He was really not getting why all of this emotions had taken place within her as she also started laughing. He looked down at her as she smiled up at him. That beautiful smile of hers that could send any man to their knees in forgiveness.

She nodded her head as she placed a kiss on the base of his neck making him shiver in delight. His còck jumping to life as her soft lips started kissing downwards.

"Lily" he groaned in warning as her lips came kissing back up to his neck.

"Im sorry" she apologized as a blush spread over her cheeks, looking away slightly as he chuckled.

"Lets get to bed. Leave the soup to cook over night" he said pulling her to her feet and dragging her up the bamboo stairs and towards the bed.

She laid cuddled up to him as he made soft soothing circles on her back. Her flesh tingling where his finger tips was.

"Lets say someone found the island. Would you leave with me? Go back to where I come from and live with me?" He asked softly, awaiting the shouting that came shortly after when he asked that question. He felt Lily's body tense up in his arms but she did not shout. No what she did shocked him to his core.

She sat up and kissed him, softly and gently, but still passionately.

"If it means that I will be with you then yes. I would leave with you anytime.

...because I love you Sydney"

He stared up at her in shock as she said those words. His gut turned and twisted as he sat up slowly. Worry flashing over Lily's beautiful face as he did not say anything back. 

Until a broad smile flashed over his face. It reached his ears as he pulled her rather roughly to him. She squealed in surprise as he hovered over her, kissing her face where ever he could find place.

"I love you so so so much Lily! You don't know how happy that makes me!"

He said giving her a passionate kiss on her lips.

Breaking the kiss he looked down at her before saying the words that Lily had dreaded to hear.

"My brother and cousins found the island. They are just off shore to the northern mountain. We can leave as soon as you are ready" 

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