Chapter 2

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Goal for this chapter: 2 ⭐️ 2 ✉️

Sydney woke up with a violent headache. His chest hurting from the gunshot he received from the person he trusted most. Even if it was to save his life he could not help the little pang of Betrayal when his brother turned the gun on him.

Sitting up he looked around. Where the hell is he? He thought as he touched the wound that had been neatly dressed. He was in a small green house made of bamboo and palm leaves. It was all neat with a bamboo table, some sort of kitchen area and a door that was pulled open. The ocean a few meters away from the house where he saw large trees covering up the hut.

"I see you have woken" a soft silky voice said as a girl barely past her teens walked in with a woven bowl of water. Her eyes the lightest color of blue as he stared her in the eye. Trying to intimidate her so she would fear him and hopefully give him answers. But the girl only raised an eyebrow at him before she put the water down in front of him.

"Its clean if you want a drink" she said before walking back out. Lily couldn't help the lip bite as she looked at him from outside. As he drank the water he spilled some, the water droplets running down his throat onto his naked chest.

Scooping up some of the fish soup she took the two bowls back inside and handed him one before sitting down across from him.

Scrunching up his nose he smelled the white soup before placing it to his lips and taking a big swallow.

"So where am I" his voice gruff from only just waking up as he tried his best to down the rest of the soup. It was actually quite delicious coming from a girl who was only wearing an overly large shirt. Her hair wild and curly and hanging down her back as she two swallowed her soup.

"The lost Island" she said looking at him. His green eyes like a magnet as she couldn't help the blush as he licked his lips.

"The lost Island?" He repeated, he has never heard of such an island and he should know. He owns many of them.

"Yes" He looked back at her as she finished her soup before standing up. Stoping her he tried to get up also.

"No don't get up. Your wound wont heal if you move to much" she said pushing him back down. " did I get here?" He asked as everything came crashing down on him. His brother shot him and threw him overboard. He must have drifted for days before he reached the island. The island he didn't even knew existed. An island he knew now one else knew existed.

"I found you on the beach bleeding. I could have left you but for some odd reason I helped you. So don't make me regret it. Stay down and ill be back later with more food and water" she said taking her spear and closing the door behind her.

"I mean it! Don't leave the hut!" She shouted before running of in search of more food. Preferably something with more meat on since she had such a big man to feed now also.


She had underestimated the size of the boar she brought down as she dragged it back to the hut. Luckily she had caught the tracks of it not so far from her home and it would luckily take her only half an hour to drag it back. She was getting a new fur pelt along with months worth of meat.

Sydney slowly got up, gasping as the pain in his chest stung from all the movement. It could only mean that the bullet was still inside. Luckily for him he had been shot many times before and pulling a bullet out of the chest was a piece of cake for him.

Okay so it was easier said then done as he pressed the burning root against his chest. Holding in a scream as the bullet came popping out.

He had noticed that the girl had taken his belt and used it to hold a pot over the fire. His shoes laying at the entrance of the hut, leaving him in his black socks and suit pants. Luckily he had boxers on otherwise his stay would be very uncomfortable.

Thinking back to the girl he encountered, her beautiful tanned skin fitting her dark head of curly locks. Her eyes so blue it almost looked white. The way the shirt only covered up so much from the praying eye. Maybe he would enjoy his stay here, maybe he will even get the chance to take her to the make do bed of hers.

His mind wondered to how she would feel once he was inside her, the way she would scream and moan his name when he brought her to a new world of pleasure. Her squirming under his large body as he took her in more ways then one.

His dirty thoughts where interrupted when he came face to face with long, pointy teeth. A loud growl leaving the animal as Sydney fell back staring in horror at the black cat who got ready to pounce.

Searching around franticly he couldn't find anything useful to protect himself with.


But why me? WHY!?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even if it was a little boring.

Please leave a vote and comment to swell my heart with hope for the future!

Do you guys want a happy or unhappy ending!?

Well I know already how this book will end but lets not dwell on the future shall we!?

How stupid of Sydney to leave the hut when Lily instructed him not to! Men! Always knows better

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