Chapter 3

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It was all slow motion as Sydney watched in horror, the cat taking a leap right at him. But as he looked away he never felt the impact of the cat, instead he saw a flash of curly brown hair tackling the cat to the ground, hitting the animal on the rump with a bamboo stick. The cat hissed at her as they circled each other.

Lily hissed back at the cat, a warning for her to stay away. She had encountered the female black cat a lot and often saw her with cubs. So deciding not to do any damage she made herself look bigger then the cat raising her hands above her head and taking a lighting speed step towards the cat who turned and ran.

She was furious, furious at herself for thinking that the man would stay down and inside the hut. Surely he didn't know the danger he put himself in when he opened the huts door.

He wasn't used to this kind of life, her life. A life she had to spend alone without any other humans or other signs of life except those of the animals on the island.

"I told you to stay inside" she said breathing heavily as she turned back to him. He looked shocked but turned it into a smirk as he trailed his eyes up her long legs.

God she was so hot when she tried to intimidate him.

"I was bored" he stated as he watched her walk behind the hut, only to return dragging a huge dead boar. His eyes nearly popping out of its sockets as he wondered how this tiny little girl could bring down such a massive animal. But then again she had managed to drag him up from the beach to her house.

"Need help with cutting anything? Skinning it?" He offered. If he was going to have any chance at all of getting her to help him off the island he would have to get her to trust him.

"No. You are injured. And do you even know how to do any of those things? You don't look like someone who do" she started as she brought out a long blade that looked like a sword. Wondering just how long she has been here. And just where the hell she got that.

"So umm, girl who lives on the island. My name is Sydney. And I just want to let you know that you have just broken down my ego with your words. I do indeed know how to hunt and skin. I do own a wildlife game reserve Ill have you know" he said making himself comfortable on a rock near by as he watched her start skinning the beast.

"Well Sydney. My name is Lilly. And Ill have YOU know that I am pretty sure I have been doing this longer then you have." She said it with so much confidence that Sydney got all hot. He liked a confident woman, one who could take him on, one he could wrestle with for dominance. All the women he had in his bed threw themselves at him and let him do to them what he wanted.

"Lily. Its a beautiful name. For a beautiful girl. And if I may know old are you? That you have been doing this longer then I have?" She stopped skinning and looked at him. His eyes still on her legs and trailing up. He was slowly undressing her in his mind until something hard hit his head.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for!?" He asked rubbing his head and picking up an empty coconut. "Really? Is that how you get men's attention?" He asked throwing the thing over his head and looking up at the sky.

"Im 18 summers old. And I don't know what you are talking about. There is no other men around. There was, but he is dead along with my mother" Sydney's eyes snapped back to her as he picked up loneliness in her voice. The distant look in her beautiful blue eyes told him just how lonely she was.

How long has she been without human contact?

"Well Lily. Im 28. How long have your parents been gone?" She tensed up at the question. Could she trust him? He has been telling her stuff about him even if she didn't ask. And its not like he could go running telling anyone else since they where the only two on the island.

"They passed away when I was 10. I learned hunting when I was 7 and started skinning and cutting the meat at 4. My mother and father had gotten Ill from some spoiled meat my dad had gotten." A single tear ran down her cheek as she remembered the day she found them both dead in the hut on the bed.

Pale, eyes wide open. She couldn't have done anything to help them since she didn't know what medicine to give them and it was all to late.


It was the beginning of sunset when Lily was done cutting the meat and storing it so that other animals couldn't get to it. The animal's hide washed in the ocean to get it salted and hanged up to dry. The fish taken off and served as dinner, Sydney scarfing down the strips of fish as it was the first actual food he had gotten. The soup barely fulfilled him.

"Had enough?" Lily asked as she came back from the ocean all wet. Clearly she had gone swimming to clean up the blood and sweat from cutting meat all day.

"Yes thank you" he answered as she came over to him with clean water and a cloth with some leafs and roots.

"I need to clean your wound" she stated as she sat down in front of the bed where he was laying down.

Relaxing as he felt her small hands move the cloth over his wound and wincing once in a while as she applied the herbs and placed a funny smelling leaf over the wound.

"Thank you, ...for saving me and taking care of me" he said taking her wrist when she tried to stand up. Her eyes locking with his as she gave him a smile before standing up and taking the bowl with now bloody water mixed with herbs away.

When she came back she realized she had not made a new bed for her to sleep on since Sydney was occupying hers. The nights now getting colder with winter setting in on the island. It got so cold that she was forced to make fire in the hut sometimes. And with Sydney covered in the Gorilla fur pelt she had nothing to cover herself with.

Sydney saw the clocks working in her head as she looked around. Realizing she must be looking for a place to stay he lifted the impressive sized gorilla pelt and patted the spot next to him.

"I cant sleep with you." She said her eyes widening. Realizing that he had taken off his pants and was in shorter silky black pants that covered only his man parts.

"Where else will you sleep? The night is cold and the hut walls do not prevent the wind from coming in. So please, we don't want you getting sick now do we?" He asked, feeling his boxers tightening as she climbed in with him.

Her back to his chest as she felt his heat spreading over to her shivering form.

Closing her eyes and snuggling deeper into the source of heat she fell into a peaceful sleep. Sydney slowly snaked one of his large arms around her small waist and pulled her even more into him so that they where spooning. Her body so small against his as she fitted so perfectly.

"Goodnight Lily" he whispered in her ear, giving her a kiss behind the ear as a shiver ran down her spine.

Obviously Lily's parents couldn't have the full The birds and the bees talk with her so do you guys think she really knows what she is getting herself into?

Leave a and a telling me juts how much you like this story so far?

Goal for this chapter 3 and 3


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