Chapter 11

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I knew nothing in my life was under my control anymore, either it was God or my bad stars worsening everything for me thus I embraced myself to expect uncertainty at every step. It's said that some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives don't have a title, so we really do not know what to name those bad things.

But from somewhere unknown this urge was spontaneous in me to fight against the odds. Father always taught me to never tolerate anything wrong and his daughter is brave enough to fight every trammel. Looking around to find the unknown faces staring at me including Cabir who sat on the couch at Sir's cabin, I breathed in before trying my luck for one last time.

Manik Sir was as usual stood by the large window, drinking and contemplating as the men on the other side of the table awaited his response.

"Sir I-"

"Shut up, Ms.Murthy." He roared and I looked around at those men letting embarrassment wash over me.

"But sir, I was just trying to help..."

"Has anyone asked for your help? If you want to help so much then why don't you go and stand in that corner quietly?" Why was he always so rude?

"Manik, just listen to her once. She doesn't sound that wrong." Manik sir exhaled in ire hearing Cabir.

"Cabir my friend, this girl, she inhales stupidity and exhales idiocy. And are you really suggesting that I should count on her ideas and risk everything else?" He scorned. Was that all he thought of me?

He turned back to the window and then again turned around pointing his index finger at everybody.

"This hospital project is not happening. Manik Malhotra doing charity, is bullshit." He declared.

He was determined and to drift away Manik Malhotra's made up mind was like begging the hungry lion before you for not eat you up. The men who actually came with the proposition of Manik investing in their hospital project gave their hopes up and kept defeatedly looking at Cabir who was the only hope to them.

"Manik, brother. Your brand is fading away." Sir turned to Cabir totally not expecting to hear it from his best friend.

"Yes Manik, look at your ratings and the number of times of your mentions in the social sites, newspapers, media channels? Look at the number of projects you are cancelling per day for some petty cause. Everything is turning ugly and not to forget, your ever growing tantrums on sets are frightening people from investing in you." Cabir stated pensively and Sir breathed out. Hard.

He rested his weight on his elbow which was on the neck of the chair. "I haven't been off-news in the past 7 days, if you all haven't noticed." He pressed his lips in a tight thin line.

"Of course, you haven't but for all the wrong reasons. Manik, you are an entertainer and you need to keep feeding the media and your fans some content and activities and not only controversies. That new chap, Rohit has gained higher ratings than you who's only three films old. You need to buck up buddy. Act before you lose your spark and charm." I had this feeling the way Manik sir, being all infuriated was clutching the chair was going to be spun probably thrown at someone if his anger wasn't bridled.

"Cabir how dare-"

"Manik Malhotra hasn't lost either his charm or his spark. To his fans, he is still their God and one doesn't stop worshiping his or her God that easily. He will be the ruler of hearts till the time he wants." I realised his grip on the chair loosened with the end of my words and such fire was taken over by a cold victory smirk.

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