Chapter 6

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"Please please please please Abhimanyu, the guards aren't letting me go in without the permit and now you are the only hope, please?" I kept jumping joining my hands in desperation.

"Nandini, he'll pounce upon you like a mad lion if he sees you here instead of office. Both you and me will be dead." He stopped in his track turning around to me. "Like seriously dead."

"See, if you don't sneak me inside the studio then I'll climb up that fence and get inside, I'm telling you." I showed him one sky-high fence that stood guarding the studio. Abhimanyu gawked me then at the fence and then back at me opening up his mouth estimating the depth of my absurdity. I eyed him the fence again indicating that I could actually climb that giant up.

"Even if it breaks your bones?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I can show you how I'll do it. Wait." Rolling up my sleeves, I moved close to the fence until he dragged me back grabbing my forearm. See, the reverse psychology I did here?

"Woah lady, easy!" He scratched his forehead for few seconds while I kept checking my perfectly manicured nails. Before I could switch hands, clutching my hand he shoved me through the backdoor.

"Yay!" I sang jumping with my hand balled in a victory fist.

"Listen you now, don't roam here and there like a foreign particle. If anyone asks you, say that you are in the creative team and don't...don't come before Manik Sir" He warned.

"You make him sound like a monster." I snickered.

"You have no idea." He rolled his eyes.

"Are you threatening me?" I teased him pretending to be all serious.

"I'm begging already." When it came to Manik, Abhimanyu had a fragile heart and I loved counting his pulses.

There was absolute hustle and bustle in the studio. Technicians were busy setting up the light and making other adjustments, the DOP was busy setting the position of the camera, the Script Supervisor busy with the Director and I spotted Manik's personal stylist Mukti Vardhan conversing with the Costume Designer. It felt wonderful when I was literally a step away from touching my dreams. Bumping into a hippie lady who kept rudely staring at me, in order to avoid unnecessary questions I mouthed an quick apology before disappearing.

Soon the people started settling to their places in a hurry to make sure everything was nothing but perfect. In middle of two the bodyguards, walked in my superstar who charmingly waved to the press present in the studio to cover up the stories. I felt the same adrenaline rush I had in the concert except that I was no longer a stranger. The director paced to him discussing the details of the scene and Manik looked around the decoration of the set, admiring the theme. The set was beautifully decorated making it to be perfect for a dream sequence. Manik and dream always sound so synonymous.

"Manik ready?" The director confirmed and Manik nodded placing the guitar on his lap. His eyes were on his fingers teasing strings of the guitar as if he was rehearsing the scene in his mind.

"Roll sound"
- Rolling

"Roll camera"
- Rolling

- Movie Justajoo Scene 15 Take 1. Mark.

For a girl who was seeing shooting for the first time ever noticed how the tiniest of details were given attention to. Each scene needed so much of technicalities and perfection that it escalated my respect for everyone working hard for this.

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