Chapter 6: "The Cats Out Of The Bag."

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Autumn's POV

I wake up in Alec's bed, not remembering how I got here. I shrug, maybe I'll just ask him.  

I get up and walk out of the room into y own room. I walk in the bathroom to take a shower cause my body is one fire. I remember Alicia Keys song, This Girl Is On Fire. Hehehe...

I look at the mirror and see my tear streaked face, red swollen eyes. What the heck happened?!? My hair is a mess. I really need a shower. I walk out of the bathroom to look at my phone and I can't find it anywhere.

"Where?,where?,where?,where?" I mumble to myself.

"AHA!" I scream/whisper when I find it under my pillow. I look at the time as its only 12 in the noon. I check for any messages and find none. I shrug and go back to the bathroom to shower.

After showering I went to my walk in closet and put my under ware and brassiere ( hehe brassiere sounds fancy ) I silently laugh to myself because of my weirdness. I put on a blue skater skirt, black tank top and chiffon peach polo/blouse I tuck it in the skater skirt and I look at my full body mirror and nod in approval. I go to my vanity table and sit down in front of the mirror. I put on some perfume, I curl the tips of red in my hair so that it's bouncy when I walk and put on little make up, just some blush, eye liner, lip gloss that taste like strawberry, and I put on my wrist watch, my locket ( the one that dad gave me for my sixteenth birthday) some bangles and I'm all set.


I forgot some shoes. I put on my black converse. I know I know your all girly and stuff and you wear converse, well I needed to put a touch of me in this outfit although I let my girly side in the clothes but its fine.

I grab my phone and walk out my door and head downstairs. I walk I'm the leaving room and see my brothers and alex playing call of duty and barely noticing my presence.

I cough dramatically and loudly may I add, and all there heads turn to me. All of there jaws on the ground and we were on an awkward silence when Justin exploded.

"and where do you think your going young lady, if your going out wearing that skirt then the answer is no. NO! A definite N.O. All the guys human or werewolf will be looking at you and hit on you and I forbid it. I FORBID IT! I F O R B I D It!" He stops gasping for air.

I let out a bored teasing yawn and say "are you done yet?"

"Yes but your still not going out in that skirt." He says in a final tone.

"I wast when going out, I just wanted to talk to Alex. ALONE." I say emphasizing the 'alone'. And give each of them a glare and an 'don't you fight' face.

"Fine" all of them says with a defeated sigh.

"No KISSING" Trevor says while trailing behind my two brothers out of the living room.

"No Promises." Alex says in a teasing yet a bit serious tone.

"Don't you dare." Trevor says back then walks out.

"Hi babe, you look beautiful." Alex says walking over to me and kissing me in the cheek. My wolf lets out a disgusted kind of sound for another male touching us because its not our mate, I just ignore her and focus in telling alex.

"Why don't we sit in the couch." I say sitting in the coach and he sits beside me holding my hands tightly in his. It feels like it doesn't belong there, it feels wrong and I feel disgusted. I don't know why.

Oh wait I know it's because I found my mate and ran from aren't I amazing. Note the sarcasm.

"W-well y-ou s-s-e uhm.." I stutter.

"What is it? What's wrong." He says making me face him. He's worried and I have to brace myself on what I'm about to say..

"Well...." I trail but I was cut off by my fathers voice in my head wanting me and Alex in his office.

"You know what maybe I can say it later daddy needs us." I tell him standing up.

"Are you sure? It looked important." He says in a weary voice.

"Yeah of course lets go." I say walking towards to my fathers office.

"Ok then." He says walking beside me holding my hand but I pull my hand away and put it in my shoulder not facing him. Seeing the hurt in his face pains me a bit.

We walk in my fathers office and sit in the chair in front of his table where piles of papers are.

"Why did you need us daddy?" I ask looking at him.

"Well it seemed that an alpha of one of our neighboring packs called me, well not just me other alphas too because he is asking for permission in crossing our pack and look around the pack because it seems that he is looking for his mate." He says. I gulp and suddenly nervous of the situation.

"What pack did you go to yesterday Alex?" My father asks him and his all alpha.

"The Bloodless Pack, Alpha." He says.

"Did you ask permission from the alpha cole?" My father asks. I suddenly shiver when my father mentions the alpha's name. Hu? WEIRD.

"Yes, Of course alpha." Alex answers.

"Did something happen yesterday while you were there?" My father asks.

"Well it seemed that autumn came running to me as if she was being chased, telling me we should go home immediately." Alex explains. Uh Oh! Busted.

There heads snap towards me and I shrink a bit at my fathers curios stare.

"What happened autumn?" He asks me. Shit! It's a full name. I'm doomed.

"Well you see uhm... Ifoundmymateandiranawayfromhim." I say rushing a bit.

"What was that?" He asks again.

"I kind of *cough* found my *cough* mate and ran away from him.l I tell him and closing my eyes expecting he would explode or tell at me. But instead he does the opposite.

He laughs. You know like a real 'I find this so funny' laugh and he didn't stop for 5 minutes.

"Only you autumn, only you." He says smiling at me or I think his smiling at me I still have my eyes closed. I opened them and face them. I see my fathers proud smiling face and Alex hurt face.

"Well why did you ran away from him?" My father asks me still smiling. TALK ABOUT WEIRD.

"I panicked cause I don't know what to do" I tell him truthfully.

My father sighs then dismiss us. We walk out the door and Alex immediately runs. I trail after him.

Well the cats out of the bag.

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