Chapter 69

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Jason's POV

Two Months Later

As I am sleeping peacefully and snuggly in bed, I all of a sudden begin to feel soft hands roaming all over my chest and stomach area. I make a small sound of enjoyment, trying to contain my wanting smile as I keep my eyes closed shut. A little growl noise then sounds around the room, probably not liking me ignoring her. I know it's Mal touching all over me.

I then feel the blanket pull all the way down to my ankles, with me immediately begin to shiver do to the morning air. Her little melodic giggle makes me grin through my coldness, and blindly pucker the air in attempts to kiss her.

"Oh, you're just so cute." She coos with another giggle escaping her mouth, finally placing a peck to my puckered lips. "Thank you." I answer tiredly, still keeping my eyes closed as I continue to smile.

"Wake up, I want to show you something." I feel a light shove to my chest, though I continue to stay sleeping. A smack sound from Mal's lips, almost makes me laugh in her face at her childlike ways. "Jason, please wake up." She whines, gently shaking my body.

"I'm sleeping, lamb." I mumble, shifting my body in a more comfortable position on my back. "Please, please wake up, Jase." I can hear the sadness in her voice, yet I ignore it and shake my head.

"Fine, have it your way then." I feel another shove to my chest, although this time it's a bit firmer than before. "Baby, stop pushing me like that. I said no, Mal Mal." Mumbling the words, as I place my hands behind my head and groan as I stay sleeping.

I hear her huff lowly, and then her feet padding away against the wood flooring. It's quiet for a couple of seconds, which makes me realize she has gone away. Smiling widely to myself at me winning that little thing we just had, I finally go back to sleeping like a newborn baby.

As I am sleeping soundly, I feel light shoves on my chest once again. I groan in annoyance at Mal trying to wake me up, but I do not say anything about it. I know she's clingy whenever she wants to be; I'm guessing today is one of the days where she decides to be a clingy little monster.

"This is my last time asking, and your last chance to answer. Now I said to wake up right this instant, Jason AndreW McCann." She sternly urges, poking me all over my face and chest. I nearly squirm through the ticklish feeling, although I do not. Instead I blindly grasped her wrists in my hands and reply to her. "I said, no." My response is laced with irritation and seriousness.

"Okay, I gave you a chance. Don't say I didn't try to warn you though." She responds almost in a mischievous type of way, as she walks away from me. "Yeah, yeah. You're not going to do anything." I sleepily wave her off, sniffing in loudly.

I hear a little 'humph' sound, before feeling Mal straddling my waist and sitting right on top of my morning erection. My tired eyes instantly pop open at how good she feels on top of me, and how she looks like pure sexiness staring down at me. I bite my bottom lip and moan in appreciation, at absolutely amazing she looks in her silky black robe. I can tell she has little to nothing own underneath without even touching her... with my hands. I want do so much to her right now.

"Mmm, is this why you wanted to wake up? I'm up now, baby." My voice is husky and a bit gruff, due to me just waking up and her turning me way on. "Uh huh, but not anymore. You didn't wake up when I told you to." She crosses arms, and stares down at me nonchalantly.

I smack my lips and roll my eyes, before displaying a sexy grin on my face. "I'm sorry. I'm up now though." Reach to grasp her hips, although she pushes them away. "Nope, you had your chance. Now you have to pay the price." Before I can even speak or react to anything, she swiftly takes my left hand and cuffs me with red fluffy handcuffs to the bars on our bed. Wait bars? We never had bars on our bed.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora