Chapter 34

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Malarie's POV

Next day

"I said no you're not! I cannot believe your old ass is going on a mission. Haven't you learned from last time? Don't you know of the consequences, Jason?" I speak my mind, shouting at him, just hoping to put some sense into his head. "Malarie, go to your parents house with all of our kids." His voice is calm and collect, as he packs all his things needed into his duffle bag.

Let's just say I found out some interesting news this morning. News I didn't think I would hear about. I thought he changed, I thought he wanted to be better for himself. But no, he still wants to be involved in his illegal gang activities. Me being stupid, thought him waking me up with flowers and a nice breakfast was just because. Oh little did I know, it was his way of telling me he's going on a damn mission tonight! I cannot believe how selfish he's being. He has five children for crying out loud. I was grateful and pleased he ordered me breakfast, and gotten me flowers, so I did appreciate it. Although him not telling me about what he has been doing lately, is just ridiculous. He's been planning a huge assignment for months, and he tells me he has to leave the day of!

"You're not thinking straight, you're just out of your mind." Pacing back in forth in our room, I watch as he gets up to get something from under our bed. "I am thinking straight, so just go to your parents house." His voice is laced with lack of care.

I see him pull out a suitcase with a lock on it. He quickly puts the combination in, easily making it pop open. A gun is revealed, with me widening my eyes in shock. A gun has been under our bed this whole time, and I didn't even know. He fiddles around with the lethal weapon, having it make lots of clicking noises. He doesn't once look at me, he just continues his attention on his stupid gun.

"Why do you have to go again?" I decide to talk, feeling defeated. "I have to handle some business deal we've been waiting forever for." Shrugging his shoulders, he stands up to put in his clothing on.

"I don't want you to go." Stating my opinion, I lock our room door. "I'm going anyway, and you're not going to stop me. You will not stop me." By the way he's speaking in a annoyed tone, I can definitely tell he hasn't taken his medication for today.

"You're going to get hurt." I move away from the door, taking a seat on our bed. "Don't put it into existence, I'm not going to get hurt. But some other people will." He takes a seat next to me, putting on his black Timberlands.

"You have five children, why are you even doing this. You should be here with them, not going out to kill people. I thought you changed, I thought you were different." I hold in my tears, not wanting to come off weak.

"They will be okay, they have you. I have changed, I just have to handle some very important business." He ties up his shoe laces, making sure they were straightly aligned. "What if I wanted to go out today? What if I had plans? The children could've possibly been watching theirselves, because the lack of communication on your part. How could you keep something so big and deathly important from me?" As I vent out my feelings, all he does is roll his eyes, or make a loud obnoxious groaning sound.

"First of all, you don't even go out. You're boring as hell. Second of all, you don't have plans, because you barely have friends to hang out with. Thirdly, our children wouldn't be watching themselves, because they have you here. You know, because you don't go out. I chose not to tell you my business, because it's my business." He tells me off in a mean disgusting way, hurting my feelings.

I don't say anything more, I just sit on our bed, watching him put on his black hoodie and a black beanie. He looks extremely sexy, and he smells amazing too. I'm not going to tell him that, he doesn't deserve it with that attitude he has going on.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang