Chapter 67

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Jason's POV

A couple of hours later

Not being able to think about anything else except for my wife's wellbeing, I impatiently tap my pointer fingers together, as I keep my hands in a praying position against my face. I don't even know what to feel right now. Hell, I don't even know if she's okay or not!

Ever since she was rushed into emergency surgery, I haven't heard any type of important information in regards to her status. Trust me, I have asked almost every single nurse in this here hospital if they could find out. Of course that was later on today, since I'm recovering myself.

Every single one of the on call nurses replied with her still being in the OR' (Operating Room) or that she was still in surgery. It truly feels as if she's been in that surgery room for the longest, or so I think it's been the longest. I'm not even sure how long it's been. It just sucks not knowing anything. I wish I was the one on that operating table instead of her. She doesn't deserve to be in any type of pain; she deserves happiness and all of the oddly amazing stuff women like.

"I called Mal's parents, baby bro. I also told them about the grandparents." I hear Alex whisper, with me slowly nodding my head with my eyes closed tightly shut. "Guys!" Cal rushes inside my hospital room with wide eyes.

Did I mention I'm in the hospital too? Well I am, unfortunately I have to stay a couple of days seeing how I've been shot three times. My leg– thigh taking most of impact, resulting in me having to have surgery a couple of hours ago. Now I sadly have to wear a cast for a month or two. I feel pretty okay; not too much physical pain. Yet I would be exceptionally perfect if I had my baby love right by my side. Without her I am lost, and lonely as hell. She's the light that opened up my eyes those years ago. If I'm not with her nothing doesn't make any sense. The damn sun doesn't even set the same whenever we're not together. She's my absolute forever.

"What is it?" Alex questions Cal, with me not paying attention. I just cannot seem to stop thinking about my baby. "Wyatt is alive, man. I just seen Rebecca down the hallway crying in hysterics. He's in surgery right now like Mal Pal. I told her about what happened with all of us. She's shaken up, but she's keeping everyone all in her prayers." My ears perk up to Wyatt being alive, but then go back to being nonchalant at him being in surgery just like my Mal.

I can still see everything that happened play out in head... like a damn nightmare. I nearly lost all of the people I love– I did lose some people. Some great people at that. Mal's grandparents, my gang members, and even Christine and her mother. I may have not liked the two women that much, but they didn't deserve to die the way they did. They didn't do anything; they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My baby didn't even do anything wrong to endure what she had to go through today. I'm not even sure if she was sexually harmed or not. I know I wasn't; I made sure of that shit. I'm just not too sure about Mal. She said they tried to rape her a total of five times, but weren't successful at doing so, all having to do with our children being there with her.

I am still requesting a rape kit done on her, I don't care. She was wearing little to nothing when she was brought out, along with her being bruised up pretty badly as well. Yep, I am definitely requesting one for her. No one, and I mean no one is harming her ever again. Not even me, and I've been keeping my promise. Yes means yes, and no means no.

"Are you okay, Jase?" Cal walks over to my side, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Does it look like I'm okay, Cal?" I look up at him and scoff, with him shaking his head and looking down at his shoes.

I know my response was a bit rude, but his question was dumb as hell. Of course I'm not fucking okay. My damn wife is in between living and dying, while multiple doctors try to make sure she is saved. I need her, our children need her, and our family and friends need her. Hell, we all need her.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin