"Nowhere to be found" (10)

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The cold blade slid smoothly across my skin, breaking the skin and trailing a line of blood across my skin.

I haven't done this in so long. But I can't help it. My life was just torn away from me all in one day.

The white winter snow was now a crimson red color and I could smell the metallic of my blood even in the open air.

I rest my back against the back of the park bench and prop my head up on my bag.

Letting sleep take over my cold, numb, body I close my eyes and instantly replay today's events.

⭕️⭕️(that morning)

"Alexander Davenport, get your ass down here this instant."

I internally groan as I hear my father's patronizing voice from the bottom of the stairs.

I had a very sleepless night. This Darkness guy kept me up all night. Whispering this in my ear, "It wasn't an accident, your mother killed herself." I refuse to believe it. It can't be true. My mother loves me too much to abandon me like that.

Throwing the covers of my body, instantly feeling cold, I walk down the stairs and come face to face with my angry father.

"We have family coming over from North Carolina to celebrate your Aunt Delilah's birthday party. They've asked to come down here since we can't afford the plane tickets and we haven't seen them in so long. You are to be on your best God damn behavior or so help me God I will tear you limb from limb. Got it, boy?"

I hastily nod, not daring to speak incase I slip up, and slip past him to go to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Before I can escape my arm is yanked back, "And any word about what goes on in this house, you're dead." With a final glare I'm released and shoved to the ground.

Pain flares up my arm and shoulder. Picking myself up off the floor and heading into the dirty kitchen, I open the cupboards, all of them, only to find some stale crackers, a can of green olives, and some stale cupcake sprinkles.

I sigh and search the refrigerator. Nothing but beer, beer, and more beer. I swear, this man just lives and breathes beer and nothing else.

I trudge up the stairs and as soon as I enter my bedroom, my phone starts to ring. Brett's caller ID shows up on the screen and a silly picture of him and I that I took a long time ago.

That was the first time in ages that I had laughed so hard my stomach hurt. That day had made me realize that there, in fact, was some light at the end of the tunnel other than my mom.

I click the answer button and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe." His smooth, husky morning voice rings through my ears, making me melt.

"Hi." I answer back

"I'm going to take you out for breakfast, sound good?" The hopefulness in his voice was a desperate one. He really wanted me to say yes. So I did.

"Okay I'll be there in 5. Love you." Before I can respond the line clicks dead. Well.

I toss my phone on my unmade bed and go to search for some clean clothes. The laundry around here has been lagging so much that I can barely get and outfit together everyday. Our washer and dryer are pretty much broken so they don't get used.

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