"I Promise" (9)

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It's been a week since Brett and I tied the knot and I have been on cloud nine since then. Brett and I have been closer and stronger than ever and I can say we are progressing a lot faster than our previous relationship.

Although my father still beats me and I dread going home knowing he's there, my life isn't actually half bad right now.

Currently, Brett is on vacation with his family. Well, his mom and little sister, Perrie, which I'd just found out about recently. Apparently she lives with hers and Brett's father a few towns over. Brett never really talks much about his dad or where he is but I know he's as happy as he can be without him.

My dad has been going on a lot of businesses trips lately which is making me start to think things because usually he's gone for a few days but now he disappears somewhere for weeks at a time.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was seeing someone. It's been almost a month since my mom died, God bless her heart, and he needs to move on. But if this lady tries to come into my life as my 'mother figure' there will be some problems.

I brace my book bag strap on my shoulder once more, as it keeps sliding off, and continue my chilly walk to school. Winter is nearing and today begins the start of our two week winter break. Thank the good Lord above.

Finally, arriving at the school, I saunter up the front steps. Collective stares are sent my way as I walk through the halls.

Everyone still pegs me as the weird kid although I have no idea why. It seems to me that somehow everybody came to terms on hating my guts.

Oh well, at least I still have Brett to cheer me up. Speaking of which, my phone dings with a text notification from Brett.

Brett: Hello love <3

Brett: How has your morning been so far?

Alex: Hello. Its been fine.

Brett: Good, good. I love you. I miss you so so much.

Alex: I miss you too, babe.

Brett: How much?

Alex: So much.

Brett: Turn around.

I whip my head up so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. But it was worth it to see my one and only love standing there with a big smile on his face.

Hastily, I make my way towards him and embrace him in a tight, bone-crushing, hug which he returns back.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much baby." He sighs contently.

With stinging eyes and weak knees I unwrap my arms from around his neck.

"Why are you back so early. You were supposed to be gone for another few days. Did you leave? Don't tell me you left your family?! Well, did you?!"

Question after question slips out of my mouth and Brett just stands there with a smug look on his face.

"Woah, Alex, chill. My mom's job called and they needed her as soon as possible. So we caught the first flight home. And, I couldn't wait to have you in my arms again." He smiles and wraps his arms back around me and I return the gesture.

"Now come on, we're gonna be late for class." I say, grabbing Brett's hand in mine.


•4th period (lunch)•

I collect my daily piece of pizza from the lunch lady and place it on my tray. As soon as I turn around I see Brett sitting at our table and a flock of girls clinging to his arms like leaches.

Rolling my eyes I make my way towards him and slam my tray down on the table.

"Ew, what's the freak doing here?"

"Make him leave!"

"He'll spread his diseases!"

They all squeal out rude remarks towards me but ignore them, knowing better than to let them get to me.

Brett leans over the table and pecks my cheek in front of the girls. "Hey babe." He smiles.

"Ew, he's a fag too?"

"There's no way someone that beautiful can be gay."

"This has got to be a joke."

Brett just simply smiles at the group of girls and says, "Sorry ladies, I'm taken." They all squeal and walk away frustratingly.

I feel his stare on me as I look down at the table thinking of what those girls said.

Maybe he is too good for me.

This relationship might be too good to be true.

What if he's playing me?

What if it's all a game?

What if-

"Alex? Are you okay baby? You look a little pale." I look up to him to see he has a concerned look on his face.

"Uh, yeah I'm-I'm fine." He doesn't seem to buy my nervous smile.

"Don't listen to what they say," he grabs my hand from across the table, "I love you. I love us and what we have and nothing ever could change that. I promise."

My hand tightens around his as he stares contently into my eyes. It feels as if we sat there for hours before the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

Brett and I walk hand in hand down the hallway to our classes until we have to turn separate ways. I know I sound clingy but I don't ever want to leave his side.

~After School; At home~
It's pitch black. The room suddenly gets cold. Air blowing down my neck.

He's here.

"I've been awaiting your arrival, Alex."

"Who are you?"

The voice chuckles. "I told you..just call me Darkness and nothing more."

I wake up in a cold sweat. My breath heavy and my eyelids droopy.

This has been happening for years and I've never told anyone. Not even I know who Darkness is or why he's haunting me. But what I do know is..

I'm in major danger.


Hello! Sorry it took so long to update. Major case of writers block these past few days. Don't forget to




And stay tuned for chapter 10.

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