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I ducked behind a disgusting dumpster and covered my mouth with my hand to try and mask my breathing. 

Through the tiniest slit in between the dumpster and the wall, I could see two men standing at the entrance of the alleyway. One started walking towards the dumpster and I had this thought; what if they were going to kill me?

I felt my vision going blurry but I couldn't for the life of me understand why. Maybe I had begun to tear up, but that couldn't be right because I'm pretty sure I would know if I was crying. 

In my confusion, I hadn't realised the man appear next to me. He grabbed my arm, pulled me out from behind the dumpster and shoved me onto the ground between him and the other man. 

"W-What do you want?" I stammered.

"We want the Anchor," the first man said. 

"Go and get one off of a boat then," I snapped. 

"Either you tell us," he said slowly and crouched down in front of me, "or I start cutting fingers off, Valkyrie."

I felt my heart drop into my stomach because he knew my name, but he was also about to decapitate my fingers, then the air was filled with the sound of the ocean. The men gave each other a confused look and I looked around for where the sound was coming from.

I noticed the pipes on other side of the alleyway were rattling, like someone had grabbed them and were shaking them violently. Before I could even raise an eyebrow, they exploded and an actual tidal wave filled the alleyway. 

The men were knocked off of their feet, but as I was already on the ground the water just carried me with it, straight past the men. 

After the wave, weirdly, dropped me onto a patch of grass, I got to my feet and looked back at the men. My stomach, which my heart had already receded into, dropped as I looked back at the men, who were now floating off of the ground in a swirling ball of water. 

The Monsters In Our TownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora