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"And you don't find it just a little weird that the lamppost just exploded?" Dad rose an eyebrow at me.

"Hey," I pointed an accusing finger at him, "I'm the curious one around here."

"It happened all over town Byron," Mum chimed in, "the council said that the voltage just overloaded in some of them."

"But that's weird," He frowned, "that doesn't just happen every now and then Lucy. It's like... It's like..."

"The apocalypse is upon us!" Jones shrieked from at the top of the stairs. "Seriously dad, Alex is supposed to give the conspiracy theories."

"Thank you," I nodded at him.

"You're welcome," He said and grabbed mum's car keys from the bench.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Gregory County," He answered, "before you ask, no. You can't come. I'm meeting a girl."

"That's so gross," I scrunched my nose up. "Fine. Me and Link will just go and annoy Blue."

"Blue?" Mum checked.

"The neighbor," I told her. "You'd be surprised how much he likes me."

"He hates her," Jones laughed, "and besides, you can't take Link because she's coming with me."

"What?!" I cried.

"Sheriff Pearl needs her to take a letter to the police in Gregory County. She going to go and eat while I meet my girl."

"That's so unfair!" I whined. "Can't I just go with Lincoln?"

"No. Because I know you Alex and you will follow me to see who she is."

"You're such a jerk."

"Bye mum, bye dad," Jones waved as he pulled the door open. I hurried over to the window and glared at the traitor as she sat in the passenger seat of mum's car.

"I will make you pay," I muttered. Jones waved at someone and as I looked over, Harley was making his way over to them. "What?!"

"Someone needs to stay with Lincoln so that she won't get stolen," Dad told me from the living room.

"But that could be me!" I groaned.

"Alexander, you've just gotten back from hospital," Mum hissed, "you don't need to go rushing back to Gregory County every chance you get."

"I'm running away," I announced as Jones drove away, disappearing at the end of the street, "I'm going to become a forest hobo and be free of all these chains that keep me here."

"You mean us, your parents," Dad mocked.

"Laugh away," I narrowed my eyes at him. "You won't be laughing in twelve years when I am literally a tree."

"Okay then Alexander," He chuckled and turned the page of the book he was reading. I huffed and shot into my room.

I pulled a jacket with a hood on, grabbed my rain boots and a torch then stuffed a bag of chips and a bottle of water in my exploring bag.

"I'm not running away," I informed them as I passed by, "I'm just going on an adventure."

"Be safe," Mum ordered me.

"Mhmm," I hummed and closed the door behind me. I wandered over to Blue's house and knocked on the door. The man from yesterday, with the same golden eyes, opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked in that deep, throaty voice of his.

"Is Blue here?" I asked. He nodded and stepped aside. Blue stood at the end of the hallway, a can of something in his hand as he glared at the wall.

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