35 // BROKEN

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"Blue," I whispered and felt around on his side of the bed. My hand landed on his stomach and I let out a sigh of relief. I snuggled closer to him and laid my head on his chest.

"Did I wake you?" He asked quietly.

"No," I mumbled. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," he lied, "I'm feeling better I guess."

"You're not," I disagreed. "It's fine to be upset, you just... you-"

"I killed my mother," he finished for me. "I didn't even think twice. I just killed her."

"Is your brand gone?" I checked.

"Not yet," he told me, "but it'll be gone by this time tomorrow."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"It burns," he answered and drew circles on my cheek. 

"What's the time?" I yawned.

"It's nine," he told me, "you should probably go home. Your parents have been arguing about you all night."

"Shit," I hissed. "I need to go and talk to them.But I'll be right back after that."

"I'll be fine," he muttered as I climbed out of his bed. I hurried over to my own house in the hopes that this would be as quick as my journey. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Magdalen. She looked at me and gave me a sympathetic smile before my father spotted me. I noticed that his eye was black and I knew that it was my fault.

"Lookie here," he chimed angrily, "the girl of the hour!"

My mother rushed over and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank god," she whispered into my hair. "Oh, baby I was so worried."

"I know," I sighed and hugged her back, "I know and I'm so sorry."

She let go of me and tugged me over to the dining table. She shoved me into a seat and then dropped a sandwich in front of me.

"I'm glad you're okay Alexander," dad huffed, "I'm also glad that I look hella rad with a black eye."

"Dad please," Jones scoffed. "Can you not be such a dork?"

"Shut up Jones," he hissed.

"I can explain everything," I assured him. Then it occurred to me, how did they know about all of this?

"You first," mum said after seeing my expression.

"Long or short explanation?" I checked.

"The one that has everything in it," she sighed. I nodded and took a bite out of the sandwich before telling them. I told them about the first three women who were murdered, and Kaiser and how I was the Anchor. I told them about Blue and his mother, and Harley  and Wren.

By the time I was done, I felt that it was everything short of a cover and a blurb.

"Hmm," mum hummed and I looked at her in confusion. "We already knew a lot of that."

"How?" I scoffed.

"Sheriff Pearl," dad answered, "she's a lot more in the loop then you think."

"But-" I started.

"We knew you were the Anchor," he nodded, "Blue told us."

"Blue?" I gasped. "When did you talk to Blue?"

"He talked to us," mum answered. "It was right after Pearl had told us all that she knew. We already had the bomb-"

"Apocalypse," Jones interrupted.

The Monsters In Our TownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora