Chapter Eleven: Ex-Girlfriend#1, Ex-Girlfriend#2 & Enemy#1

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c h  a p t e r e l e v e n 

e x g i r l f r i e n d # 1, e x g i r l f r i e n d # 2 & e n e m y # 1


The exotic smell of lasagna filled my senses making me want to get up right then and there to devour that dish from heaven. I slowly opened my eyes and closed them back again due to the sunlight directed right at my face.

Someone beside me felt me shift uncomfortably in my bed and I heard the curtains closing. I opened my eyes again and my blurry vision didn't let me recognize the faces of two people. Somebody passed me my spectacles and I wore them tiredly.

I looked at Aaron first, sitting beside me, smiling at me with tired eyes. I looked at Beth at the foot of my bed, looking cheerful. She had the dish tray in her hands...the lasagna. Aaron made me sit up straight and took the plate from Beth's hands.

'Here,' Aaron said, putting one mouthful of that heavenly dish in my mouth. I closed my eyes in good. Aaron chuckled and said, 'See, you would have missed this delicious lasagna made by me, if the eating disorder kicked in again.'

'Wow, they're really nice. I didn't know you could cook.' I said, eating another spoon from him. I tried to take the plate from him to eat it myself but he jerked my hand off. I rolled my eyes.

'Yes, I am a doctor and Masterchef.' Aaron said winking. Beth chuckled.

After eating what felt like after ages, Aaron and Beth went outside in the living room so I could freshen up in my room. I felt so much better, no more weakness.

My bathroom was surprisingly clean and I noticed a band-aid on my forehead. I freshened up quickly in about fifteen minutes and chose to wear an over sized top and sweatpants. I went and sat with Beth on the couch, that is when I saw my phone laying on the couch untouched. I checked my iPhone and oh fuck.

It was Monday.

I was in this house for seven days and I didn't even realize.


She was going to go to Australia last night.

Fuck, I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to her. She wasn't going to return back. All because of my boss and his girlfriend, wow.

I noticed the amount of notifications I had since last Tuesday.

49 missed calls from Andrea Waters

39 missed calls from Beth Rogers

18 missed calls from Shay

3 missed calls from Lily Sivan

3 missed calls from Matt Anderson

2 missed calls from Ethan Fields

2 missed calls from Zoe Hastings (Yeah, I kept my mom's contact by her name. She wasn't much of a mother to me, anyway.)

And n amount of texts from Andrea and Beth

I opened Andrea's texts and the last text she had sent was;

You're an idiot. And who's the bigger idiot than you? Ivory Hastings. Because that slut can't see what a beautiful sister she has. And it took Beth an hour to control me from killing Sebastian Parker. I hope someone kicks him hard on his balls – that guy deserves it. I love you, please eat something. I visited you on Saturday but your state wasn't well. I will call you again on Tuesday once I land in Australia. Love you always xoxo PS: Your doctor Aaron is REALLY hot.

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