Book 4⌇11. Return?

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Chapter 11 ∣  Return?


"A whole year?" My heart sinks.

Does my father really carry this much hatred for me? That he wants me to stay away from the coven for an entire year?

Rook and I sit on the floor, our downcast eyes meeting for a moment. He's picking at the fabric of his pant leg while Erebus sits across from the two of us.

"Why?" I ask, my voice quiet, but my eyes hold an anger, staring right at the longest living vampire in the entire world. Orion leans his back against the wall, tilting his chin to the ceiling as he releases a sigh, his eyes closing as he contemplates what to do.

I'm just someone else's problem.

Cristela appears from the kitchen, carrying a metal tray with mugs on it. Steam rises from the surface of the liquid as she hands one to Erebus, then nears Rook and me. I reach out my hand and take the handle, breathing in the calming scent of hot chocolate.

Rook pokes at the marshmallows floating on the surface before blowing on the hot liquid and testing the first sip. Cristela places the tray back down on the kitchen island, cradling a mug in her hands as she whispers, "He's just a child..."

Erebus looks to Orion, still examining the inside of his eyelids. "I wanted to offer, if you wanted to stay with my coven, so Maverick at least can hang out with Rook. Lucca may be King, but I'm not bound by the normal laws of this world, I have no objections taking him when summer comes around."

It will be my first birthday away from my family...

"No, it's fine," Orion unfolds his arms, his dark hair falling across his eyes before he brushes it away, "I don't want to keep uprooting him. He deserves to have some stability while he grows up."

"I want to hang out with Rook," everyone looks to me as I bring the mug away from my lips, enjoying the warmth the simple drink brings.

Rook nods, "I haven't had much time to spend with Maverick..."

"Rook's welcome to stay with us, Erebus," Cristela smiles warmly, welcoming yet another young vampire with extraordinary gifts that the rest of the world sees as evil.

"Unfortunately," Erebus rises to his feet, taking a sip from the mug and saying, "with Rook being a demonologist until he learns to control his gifts, demons are drawn to him and that would make it unsafe for him to be around the hunters here. Wouldn't want to give them more of a reason not to trust vampires, after all, this peace has been somewhat of a blessing."

It is a little weird, learning that Rook can communicate with demons from Hell. He told me that when he gets stronger, he can summon them or travel to this other world by himself.

I tried not to laugh, as this seems like words weaved through fairy tales.

Demons? Right, like they even exist.

"I see," Orion is understanding the slight fear Rook's father holds for his safety and that of others, wanting to protect his son.

It is what my father should have been doing for me. But I don't need, in his eyes, I am the one people need to be protected from.

"Where's mom?" Rook asks, finishing the hot chocolate, Cristela taking his empty mug, along with Erebus' and taking them to the kitchen. The sound of them being set in the sink brings me from my thoughts, wondering what this year will hold for me.

"Your mother is speaking with the hunters," Erebus motions to Rook, apparently this visit will be short-lived, as he is just a messenger.

Orion arches a brow, "You think that wise?"

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