Book 4⌇9. Dark Magic

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Chapter 9 ∣  Dark Magic


"Orion!" The scream almost catching in my throat when I see one of the very few people that care about me, fall to his knees. When the blood spear pierces through his stomach, I lose control, not able to hold onto this ability for more than a few seconds. The blood liquidizes, dripping to the floor along with the few droplets from Orion's lips, trickling down and off his chin, spattering the floor.

My eyes search him, his body hunched over while he holds his balance on one knee, slowly lifting the other up.

"Orion!" I cry again, "Orion?" I ask this time, the hunter-vampire rising to his feet, his blood red eyes somewhat glassy. In front of his chest, his hands manipulate the blood, gasping when I notice the wound is slowly sealing itself off.

Standing quietly and looking in awe at what he is doing, I didn't notice Cristela standing at the entrance to the room, her arms crossed in front of her. My eyes lift away from Orion, staring at Cristela who appears to not be angry whatsoever, instead, she sighs heavily. She is disappointed, but then again, that is all I ever do...

...I let people down.

It makes Orion chuckle, watching the fear on my face for his life. I glance away from Cristela and gaze up at him. His wound had healed completely shut, no mark is left behind. The blood staining his clothes, but the red glow from his eyes dissipates, leaving behind the luminescent white irises.

"Y-You-" I stammer.

"Blood magic," Orion states, Cristela walking slowly toward where the two of us stand, "isn't just used as a lethal weapon. As your mother so kindly taught me by saving my life, it also has the power to repair serious wounds," Orion pauses, seeing the intrigue in my eyes, "but, remember this very carefully Maverick. It can only heal those who are still alive. Unfortunately, unless the person is a compatible hunter or mortal, turning them will not save them. There is only so much a pureblood vampire can do...when they want to save a life," he eyes Cristela with his last statement.

I nod, absorbing the knowledge he has to offer. Hopefully, I remember everything he is teaching me. Hopefully, it will help save the lives of those closest to me...I don't want those I love being hurt.

"Orion," Cristela's voice finally fills the air, letting the tension die away, "Erebus and Isabella are here. They had something to speak to you about."

I gasp, my eyes brightening when I ask, "Is-"

She cuts me off, smiling at me and saying, "Yes, Rook is here as well. Go see your friend!"

Cristela doesn't need to tell me twice, running to the entrance when I stop suddenly. Turning around, I look at Orion with his permission, as I don't want to be rude with his training.

Orion nods and says, "Go on. Have some fun, just keep out of the deeper parts of the forest."

Grinning, I nod and turn back around, flying out the doors and up to the main level of the house, running out the front doors. There, standing near one of the trees, the white-haired, citrine amber-eyed friend of mine returns my grin, watching as I don't stop until I'm right in front of him.

"Hey!" I exclaim, and he smirks at me.

"So, my father was right, you were sent away," Rook kicks at the ground with his shoe, his hands in his pockets.

I sigh, so, the news really does travel that fast. I wonder how many other covens know how much of a disappointment I am?


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