E X T R A - My Boys

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{Pic of hte Skylan Family. Not Edited}

Song: One Call Away

Artist (s): Charlie Puth

People who say they sleep like a baby, don't usually have one.


I wipe my hands on my dress trying to get rid of some moisture. I look around waiting for everyone to show up.

"You okay?" Dylan asks taking my hand in his kissing it. I smile at the gesture.

"Perfect" I sigh pecking him. We had all decided to come out for dinner. Dylan and I were at one the finest restaurants waiting for the crew to show up. A few minutes later a group of people burst through the door ruing the peaceful atmosphere. She run towards the table trying to get the best seats. Whatever that meant. 

After we had ordered and received our food we quickly ate up and moved onto the desert. 

"Your order will arrive in a few minutes" The waiter smiled before walking off.

"Skylar you okay? You seem pale" Tori points worried. Time to tell them.

"Actually...I have something to tell you guys" I announce. I turn to look at Dylan taking his hand in mine.

"We've been married for over a year now and everyday I've fallen deeper in lover. I've loved every second of it. Now at this moment. I don't know how to feel. Happy? Confused? Scared? Worried? It's so hard." I rattle. Dylan lets go of my hand and cups my cheeks instead.

"What's wrong?" he asks again. I shake my head.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I just don't know how to tell you this." I reply. The whole table was silent and only the soft music could be heard in the background. I grab Dylan's hand and replace my cheek with my stomach.

"I'm pregnant" I whisper so only Dylan can hear. He just sits there and I'm afraid he didn't hear.

"Seriously?" A small teary smile stretches across his face. I nod my head, trying to hold back my own tears. When I found out I was pregnant I cried like a baby out of happiness.

"We are still here" Zac coughs. We ignore him.

"HOLY SHIT!" Dylan yells jumping out his seat causing it to fall back. Diners look up shocked by the activity and choice of words.

"I'm gonna be a dad.I'm gonna be a dad. I'm gonna be a fucking dad" He continues yelling with immense happiness. The looks of disgust soon change into looks of awe. Dylan grabs me pulling me up into a hug and I couldn't hold them back any more. I let my tears run freely as Dylan kissed me.

"We're going to be Uncles" Chase, Blake and Zac call in unison.

"And we're going to be Aunts" Tori, Beth and Brit say in return.

We all began to settle down as Dylan apologises to all the diners for the his choice of words earlier but they all brush it off. 

"You're gonna name him Zac" Zac whispers into my ear.

"Oh no they're not! They'll name him Blake"

"What if it's a her?"

That my friends. Is when hell broke loose and we were kicked out. I didn't regret a thing.


"What ar-" Dylan slams the door shut in my face. Again. Ever since I hit my ninth month Dylan has been avoiding me like the plague. He would always lock himself in a room upstairs along with Blake, Chase and Zac. In the last week Dylan has spent so much money on useless things, such as video games and other electronics.

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