T W E N T Y - N I N E - My Worst Nightmare

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{Skylar's Dad. Not Edited}

Song: Lovesick Fool

Artist (s): The Cab

We met for a reason. Your either a blessing or a lesson.


Once Jordan shut up, I felt paralysed. The fear had paralysed me. It was such an unknown feeling for me. Fear. Fear is an idea-crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor, inflicted by yourself. I detest it. Fear has two meanings:

Forget Everything And Run


Face Everything And Rise

Normally, I would follow the latter and bury the fear deep within me. But today. Today that's not possible. I wanted me to meet that man. The man who ruined my life. Who ruined me. This is all because of him.

My - so called fucking- dad. He doesn't deserve that title. Anyone can have a child and call themselves 'a parent'.  A real parent is someone who puts their child above their own selfish needs and wants. He was never a parent.

The next two lesson went in the same manner. The bell rang soon after which stopped my train of thoughts. I numbly grabbed my bag and shoved all the books into it. I was the very last person out of the room and by the time I got out the hallway was empty. I absentmindedly walked through the hallway and towards my locker before I was pulled into a dark classroom. Now, if this happened while I wasn't in my current state, the offender would have a broken wrist but right now I can't be bothered with anything. Nothing. 

"You okay?" Dylan asked cupping my face. I just looked back at him with a blank expression.

"I didn't see at lunch so I came to check up on you" he brushed some hair out of my eyes and tucked the strand behind my ear, his hand still resting on my cheek.

Why was he doing this? I have done nothing but hurt him since I have met him. I pushed him away so much yet he always comes back. He could easily go and get another girl but he stuck with me. He's doing exactly what I want him not to do. I don't want him to get hurt and that's inevitable if he sticks with me. He even brought Jake over here because he wanted me to be okay.

"What?" he whispers when I didn't say anything and just stared at him.  I love him. I love him so fucking much. I leaned into is palm slightly trying to find comfort. I felt my eyes stinging and I knew what was going to happen. Since the night Dylan told me to open up, I have constantly cried. It was as if that one night triggered all my tears. I didn't realise that some tears had escaped until I felt Dylan's thumb brushing them away.

"Tell me. Please tell me what's going on. Let me help you" He begged frustrated. If that bastard found out about Dylan he would do everything to hurt him because he would know that it would kill me. 

"You want to help me?" I whispered monotone. He nodded eagerly and relief flooded his face.

"Ignore me. Pretend I don't exist. Pretend you never met me. Forget me. That's the biggest help you can give me" I told him and his face fell. 

"Forget you? You want me to forget everything we had? Everything we did together? All our memories?" he yelled taking a step back. He yanked at his hair taking deep breaths. See, this is exactly what I mean. I'm hurting him. Unwillingly but I'm still hurting him. All I want to do right now is jump into his arms. I didn't say anything, I slowly hitched my bag higher on my shoulder and headed for the door. I couldn't take it. I can't take any of it. I can't take Jordan's threats. I can't take the fear that bastard installed in me. I can't take hurting my loved ones. 

"Your just gonna leave me?" Dylan whispered from behind me his voice breaking. I didn't dare turn around. I would lose all the self control that I built up so much difficulty.

"I promise you Sky. I will kill the bastard who is doing this to you. I fucking know Jordan is in on it but he's not the mastermind" He walked forward until he was directly behind me.

"I promise" he repeated and walked out of the classroom.


When I got home Jordan was already sitting on the couch his feet up flicking through the TV channels. When I walked in he looked up for a second before he focused back on the TV.

"Get dressed. We're going" was all he said

"I'm not going" I said firmly. Jordan looked up switching the TV off. He cracked his knuckles before he got up and walked to me until he was directly infront of me. 

"Get dressed" he gritted

"N-" I didn't have the chance to finish because his fist already had connected with my face. My hand automatically flew to my face. You know what? I have so much self control. I get up ready to punch him back but he spoke up again.

"Guess the little fighter's angry" He mocked. Fighter? How did he know? I haven't been to a fight since Jordan got here.

"You think I'm stupid?" He roughly took my chin in his hand pulling me closer.

"You think I don't know about your little fights? or that Jake?" he laughed. He fucking knew.

"Get dressed" He said once more pushing me towards the stairs. I got up and ran upstairs and to my room. I didn't change I just changed my jacket with a hoodie and removed my chain. I didn't want him to steal it. I walked back down and straight to the car where Jordan was waiting for me. I was going to see him. I was finally going to see his face.

I tried to calm myself down but nothing was working. He finally got to the destination which was an abandoned warehouse. Chances were they would beat me up or kill me. Either way I couldn't care anymore. I got out and followed Jordan inside and was welcomed with a foul stench. There was man on the other side of the room looking out of the window. I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey" He Jordan yelled slapping him on the back. He turned around and faced him giving him a small nod before he rotated around fully so he was facing me. There he was. My worst nightmare. The man who murdered my Mom.

"Hello, love"


{A/N: Supppp Angelllls!!!! I'm Back!!!! Guys I need some feedback. Are the chapters dragging on and do you find Skylar annoying or do you understand her. The above picture is Skylar's dad. I just stumbled onto it and thought "You know what, you can be in my story" and the rest is history. There are only a limited amount of chapters left, around 3-4 I think. But meanwhile please....




Lots of love-


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