chapter: 8

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K's lips smash against Taylor's. It felt something like an apology mixed with a little bit of anger. Taylor didn't return the kiss at first, her eyes were frozen open as she tried to process everything.

Taylor then yanks herself away from K, fuming to the paint that K is even thrown off guard. Taylor's wipes away at angry tears and purses her lips, with Selena standing idly by, biting her nails.

"What the hell? We gotta do this. Grow up and kiss me or the paps are gonna see you're body engaging in activities other than performing on stage." K spits, irritated. Why can't she just deal with this and trust me? K thinks. Oh right, because of what I did to her in the first place." K mentally rolls her eyes, watching Taylor wipe away at angry tears.

"You do NOT get to use me like this!" Taylor shrieks. Taylor lets out a frustrated noise, knowing in the back of her head that the paps are still outside and her naked body is still plastered on these porn watchers screens. Taylor starts pacing in the small closet all three of them are standing in.

"I'm not using you first of all, thanks." K argues. "At least, not this time... But, um, if you walk out of room where you're not supposed to be in for the paps to see you and have Selly over there AND me, some random new face that opens a new side of the American sweetheart, then I damn reckon you start doing something to my hot body."

"Screw you K!" Taylor says, sliding off her clothes with shaky hands.

"Isn't that the point?" K questions.

"You're going to Hell."

"Make me."

And with that, Taylor slams herself against K and the wall. K is taken aback, lifting her head for air. That's so hot, K thinks, not even ashamed. K leans in and deepens it as deep as a kiss has ever gotten.

As if on cue, there's a knock in the door, followed by the loudest gasp that K and Taylor have ever heard.

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