Chapter 8

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A/N: If I don't specify then it will always be Natalia's POV.
I'm blinded by the darkness that engulfs the house, well, mansion that Kaden brings us into. With a flick of his wrist, the lights come on in an instant, my eyes blinking rapidly in response.

"Cole, go find David and bring him to my room," Kaden calls out to the brunette who appears in front of us.

"Finally got her, eh?" Cole smirks, letting out a small snicker. "We'll meet you in your room." He walks off, heading down one of the 5 corridors that each lead to an endless amount of doors that hold only God knows what.

His room? Oh, no. If Kaden makes me stay in there, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. He kidnapped me, caused me my injury, and keeps getting these weird ass mood swings. No way in hell, will I be staying anywhere near him.

As I slowly ventured out of my thoughts, I realized we were now heading to a grand staircase that spiraled up into a second floor. Kaden began ascending the steps, with me bobbing along in his arms.

He lead us down a long corridor, with once again many doors holding who knows what behind them. He turned right, and opened a door, that revealed another corridor with 3 rooms, one on the back wall, and another two to the left and right of it.

He cautiously moved his hand from under my body, enticing a trail of goosebumps as his palm skimmed across my lower back and bum. A chill spreading to where his unusually warm fingers once were.

He swiftly opens the door and we enter a room that instantly lights up upon on our entrance. I'm a little spooked by the dark vibes this room throws out. It's interior is painted a midnight black, with a California king bed placed in the center. It's sheets are black and sleek, with matching pillows to go along. There is a couch to the left of the bed, with a desk and black lamp placed next to it. To the right of the bed there is a shelf, encasing a few books and countless props. Past the shelf, there are two doors with windows framed through them, leading to what looks like a balcony. Above the bed, plastered on the dark, black wall are some paintings. Two catch my eye, they consist of a big, dark-furred werewolf, and a forest that looks eerily daunting. They send shivers up my back, and my eyes slightly widen. Looks like he really wasn't joking around about wolves.

"This is my room," Kaden declares like it wasn't obvious enough. He sets me down on the bed, and stares at me intently.

"No kidding," I mutter, settling into the oddly comfortable bed. I didn't intend for him to hear me, but he shoots me a dark look that suggests he did.

I boldly glare back at him, giving him my best poker face, trying not to let my pain and drowsiness show him that I was getting weak.

He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but instead he shut it and suddenly appeared lost in his thoughts.

I don't have much time to ponder his actions, because suddenly the door is pulled open. Cole and who I'm guessing is David walk in. David carries what appears to be a very large first aid kit in his hand.

I perk up and glare at the two who just walked in. Did they really expect me to just let him poke and prod my body when for all I know he might not even be a real doctor?

"Lay down. David is going to examine your rib," Kaden instructs, gesturing for me to lay my head down on the pillow. As tempting as laying down sounds, no way in hell am I going to be putting my head anywhere he might've had his.

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