The Wall Won't Crack

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I woke up with my stupid alarm clock ringing. Sometimes I just wanted to grab a hammer and do what they do on those old cartoon shows.

Smash! Smash! Smash!

But I didn't. Instead I turned it off and rolled out of bed. I had gotten an extra twenty minutes of sleep, so that was good. After getting dressed I went downstairs and had a quick bowl of cereal. This was my first time having breakfast with everyone on a school day. Usually I'm out the door by now.

"Ready for tryouts today?" Shawn asked.

I nodded, "But if someone grabs me again I will break their arm."

"I don't doubt it," Cole smirked.

"What do you mean 'grab?'" Suzie asked.

I hadn't payed attention to my words. They just blubbered out and Suzie heard. She's nine how am I suppose to explain this to her.

"They tugged on her shirt and Tori fell. That's what she meant by grab," Cole said for me. I was thankful that he said that but I didn't want to show it or Suzie would notice.

Blake stood up from the table and put his bowl in the sink. He then went back upstairs.

I watched him leave. He was so confusing. I could never read him, he just always seemed out there. And heck I think he's bipolar or something. He has the weirdest mood swings. Like a girl on her period. But he was still stubborn and arrogant. Then again sometimes he's....not exactly nice but nicer than his usual self. Like yesterday at tryouts.

I quickly finished my cereal and headed back upstairs. I just needed my backpack, and there was something I felt like I needed to do. When I walked down the hall I stopped in front of Blake's door. I felt hesitant, like I was entering a new world. I've been in Cole and Shawn's room, but never Blake's. It seemed foreign, or alien. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. I heard scrambling on the other side of the door and then the doorknob turned. Blake looked down at me a bit in shock and then pulled his door open leaning against the door frame. He had a pair of jeans on and a tank top. When he crossed his arms his muscles flexed.

"Can I help you?" His cold stare made me look down. So I just concentrated on looking at his chin. He was so intimidating and it gave me the creeps. It didn't help that he was twice my size.

"I just want to say thank you," I muttered.

Blake cocked an eyebrow, "For what?"

"For picking me on the shirts team and not let me on the skins." I didn't know how else to put it. After that we stood in silence for what seemed forever.

Blake was the first to break the silence, "Is that all?"

I didn't know why but it just snapped inside of me. It might not have been the worst thing that he's said to me but it pissed me off that I came to say thank you and he didn't react.

"Actually no," I looked back up at Blake's blue eyes, "It's not all Blake."

He looked so stunned I wish I had a camera to take a picture.

"Here's another question," I said hotly. I didn't know where the confidence came from but it was there, "Why are you always a dick to me? Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you that made you go all asshole on me?!"

Blake narrowed his eyes and I could see the anger well up in him, "What haven't you done?"

"What!?" I didn't want to yell so I just whisper yelled, but it contained the same amount of anger.

"You're always so cocky! Using your sarcasm and thinking your soooo smart. You act so innocent Tori, when you're not. You think everyone likes you and you think you're so cool using your stupid tricks. But what you are is far from cool. You're like a tick! You wait around in the grass and then when someone walks by you latch on. You just latch on and never let go. Like when you latched onto Mark, Cali, and now my brothers! You might have fooled them, letting you inside their heads. But I won't. I won't let you fool me. I don't give a damn if you're my stepsister. You will always be a stupid tick, a pain in the ass. And when I get the chance I WILL squish you. And when I do, I won't feel sorry." Blake slammed the door and I was to stunned to react. I probably stood there a whole minute before I moved to my room.

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