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"Tori where the heck were you?" Mark asked as I sat down for homeroom.

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbly.

"Me and Cali went over to your place on Saturday. But no one was there," Mark looked confused as ever.

"Oooooooh yeah I forgot to tell you guys, my dad wanted to take me and Suzie to some lake. To spend 'quality family time,'" I said putting my fingers up like quotations.

Mark chuckled, "Well you could have at least texted us."

I laughed, "So you guys could barge in and ruin the party? Yeah right."

"Hey the party doesn't start until I arrive," Mark said.

"That's the crappiest saying ever," I said with a laugh.

Mark shrugged with a laugh and sat back in his chair. We waited a couple minutes until we were excused to first period.

The moment my butt hit that chair in english, Cali started to give me a lecture.

"Why didn't you tell us you were going on a trip? We are your best friends how could you! I would have told us, and if you didn't know you could have called, or TEXTED!" She practically yelled.

I chuckled, "I'm sorry Cali, sorry Mark. I just didn't find the time, please forgive me." I made a pouty face and they both looked at me.

Cali groaned and then smiled, "Ok sorry."

"Thanks Cali," I then looked at Mark and gave him the face, "Mark?"

He rolled his eyes, "I can't stay mad at you."

"Yessss." I said, "I. Am. Forgiven. Victoryyyy."

The three of us laughed and the teacher walked in closing the door behind her. We all turned to face her and she started her lesson. After English me and Mark headed to math.

Dang it, this would be interesting.

I sat down in my seat, Cole was already in and Shawn walked in moments later. Blake was last and he made it just on time. He took his seat behind me.

A couple minutes passed by with nothing. Like I mean he didn't tug my hair, call me names, nothing. Then he tossed me a piece of paper.

I opened it up of course, 'Watch your back bitch.' It read. I couldn't help but smile. I got my pencil and started to draw on the back. When I was done I passed it back to Blake.

"You bi-" he whispered yelled to me, but stopped when the teacher looked. Blake put an interested face and pretended nothing happened. The teacher believed it and went back to the lesson.

Mark looked over at me with a confused look, I mouthed him 'later' and he nodded looking back at the board.

Blake tossed me the sheet of paper and I stuffed it in my pocket when he wasn't looking. Then I went back to taking notes.

When class was over I made my way to chemistry.

"Tori wait up," I heard Mark shout.

I turned around and saw him and Cali coming towards me.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What the hell was that about?" Mark nearly shouted.

"What was what about?" I asked dumbly, even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Tori don't play fool with us," Cali said.

"I told her what happened in math," Mark said, "So what the heck was that about?"

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