Chapter 25

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*Will's POV*

That Hunter idiot ruined my Sunshine's birthday. What the heck is wrong with his stupid mind that made him say that to her. Who asks someone if their parents still love them? Only an idiot, and that idiot was Hunter.

This was supposed to be a great night for her and I. Everything was ruined.

I knew that the night wouldn't end well after Aaron walked into the restaurant all beat up. Then I knew it was going to be awful after I received that phone call from him.

I hadn't talked to him in months, since I met Carter. I quit his stupid business after I met her. If I was going to make things work with Carter I had to keep her away from him. He was the definition of dangerous.

When I started racing with him, I had no clue what power he had over everyone, how little effort it would take to ruin my life. If I wanted to protect Carter I had to keep her away from him, so I quit, cut all my ties with him and his company and haven't raced since.

And by him I met Valentino de Luca, the owner of where I raced.

And by racing, I mean car racing. I had been racing cars since I was 17, at first it started as an act of defiance against my father. I wanted to show him that he couldn't control me and I could make my own decisions. But after a few months I fell in love with racing, racing made me feel exhilarated and free. But Carter, Carter made me feel so much more. I'd always felt alive while racing, but I felt like I was flying when I was with her.

I'd known I'd loved her for a while now.

I love Carter Bennett. I love her. And tonight was the night I was going to tell her. But they ruined it all. Hunter and him.

How was I supposed to tell her I loved her and show her my gift when this night has been a total bust. I knew she was upset with Hunter and probably her parents too.

"Hey, Will? Will? You okay bro?" Anthony asks shaking my shoulder. I look up from where my head was buried in my hands.

After we kicked Hunter out of the house, literally. Kris, Blake, Anthony, Aaron and I all sat at the kitchen table in silence just thinking about how bad this night had been. Aaron decided to stay the night, considering he was in no condition to walk and it was already almost 2 in the morning.

Sighing I shake my head. "No... this night was supposed to be great for Carter and now... it's ruined. I knew there was something up with that guy! We should have never let him near her!" I exclaim pounding my fist on the table as my anger towards Hunter overpowered my senses.

"Calm down Will." Kris said rolling his eyes. "You're right though, we should have never let that idiot get close to her." he sighed burying his head in his hands.

"I agree, we were so careless that we let him slip right past our radar. This I all our faults, that idiot shouldn't have even been able to learn Carter's name." Anthony said shaking his head and leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm not completely sure what went on today, but I do know that it wasn't completely your fault. I mean how are you supposed to check everyone who Carter interacts with. She's a very sociable girl, and I'm sure one bad person can get close to her without you guys noticing. How were you supposed to know that this Hunter guy was an idiot?" Aaron says looking between us all.

"I guess you're right man, but still. She's my baby sister, we should have known that this Hunter guy was bad news." Blake said.

"Actually I think you guys might have done the right thing. Carter's ex... what's his name? Don?Dom? Yeah Dom. He was so overprotective of Carter that he didn't let anyone talk to her. I mean you guys are wicked protective, but at least you're letting her talk to people, she needs a little freedom in her life to pick her friends. If you guys said she couldn't be friends with Hunter, then you'd be just like Dom." Aaron said before grabbing his glass of water and taking a sip.

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