Chapter 16

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*Carter's POV*

We walk up the path to my front door. Our hands locked together, his long fingers intertwined with my small ones. I reach the large door, sticking my hand into my back pocket as I remove the house key.

After I open the door I shout "I'm home!" There's no reply. "Oh right." I mumble remembering my brothers won't be back till Sunday night.

"Are your brothers here?" Will asks concerned. I sigh closing the door, we head over to the kitchen our hands still connected.

"No they had to attend some meeting and won't be back till Sunday." He nods dropping the subject noticing I'm not in the mood to talk.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask slipping my hand from his and walking to the fridge.

"Sure!" I can feel the smile in his voice, the way the mood lifts at my suggestion. "Got any popcorn?" He asks wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my head.

"Yep." I reply popping the 'p'. We make popcorn and start a movie. We ended up picking a comedy. I (although a huge fan of action and horror) wasn't in the mood. Will of course noticing I was in a different mood than normal, pulled me into his side. Leaning into him I relax into his comfort. He gives me a light kiss on the forehead as I drift into sleep.

I wake my head pounding and a heavy weight holding my in my spot. I blink open my eyes, noticing that the sun still hasn't risen. Groaning I turn to my left, looking into the sleeping face of my boyfriend.

He looks so peaceful, his dark hair sticking up randomly. His soft lips smiling lightly as he dreams. I watch him for a few moments before grabbing my phone from the table and checking the time.


I groan softly, careful not to wake the sleeping Will. I snuggle back down into my previous spot, falling back to sleep within minutes.

I wake up once again. Will's arm that encircles me his grip on me tighter. I turn looking at his face to find him frowning and angry. He pulls me closer to him. Holding me in a tight, quite uncomfortable grip.

"You can't." He mumbles keeping me close. "Don't take her..." He's breathing heavily his voice raising. "Not my sunshine." He whispers before going silent.

I look to the clock once again noticing it's only 9:46. I sigh knowing I won't get back to sleep. Carefully I shimmy out of Will's grasp. As I stand up I notice his face, he squirms. The arm that hand encircled me jerked trying to find my presence. I panic, instantly feeling guilty. Stumbling forward I grab a fluffy pillow and place in in Will's grasp.

I watch as he sighs snuggling into the pillow. His face that had read worry now is smiling once again. This makes me smile, his happy expression. I lean forward and kiss him gently on the nose, careful not to wake him. Straightening up I walk over and pick up my phone dialing Kris's number.

It rings 3 times before I'm greeted with his rough tired voice.

"What?" He groans.

"Good morning to you to bro." I reply with a laugh.

"Yeah whatever." He mumbles as I roll my eyes. "Why are you calling me at this ungodly hour." He says sighing dramatically.

I giggle before turning serious. "Remember how I told you Will and I were going to a party last night?" I ask carefully.

"Yeah..." He says exaggerating the word.

I sigh shaking my head even though he can't see me. "Dom was there." I say quietly.

The Boy ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora