Chapter 9

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*Hectors POV*

What is wrong with me?

Why did I just blow up in anger?

Why did I punch her in the face?

Questions flew around my head like bees after a flower. I didn't understand what had happened. Why I reacted the way I did. Why I became so angry at that I just... hurt her.

She was unconscious. I remind myself. You punched her so hard that when she hit the ground she blacked out.

You idiot! My brain screamed.

I stood behind Will confused and dazed. What have I done?

He turned to face me. Anger flashed in his eyes. He was angry at me. For hurting the girl he liked. I was angry at myself to, for hurting Carter. She was so innocent. Only a bystander, helping Diana after I tripped her.


I hurt her as well. I cheated on her, then I acted like a jerk about it.

"I-I didn't mean to. I-I just---" I couldn't speak. My mind was in a different place. I couldn't apologize to Will. I needed to apologize to Carter, and Diana.

"Save it Hector don't you see what you did to her!" He shouted. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't tripped Diana in the first place!" He's right. If I hadn't acted like such a jerk to Diana none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have punched Carter, Will wouldn't be yelling at me right now.

I could tell he was furious. He knelt down and picked up Carter with ease.

What have I done? The question resurfaced again as I watched him leave the cafe with Carter in his arms.

I wanted to scream and be angry at him, at Carter, at everyone. But I couldn't. I knew the only one I had a reason to be angry at was myself.

I suddenly became aware of all the eyes in the cafe focused on me. I dropped my head and left the room.

As I exited, I ran into an angry Dr.Samuelson. "Mr.Johnson, my office now!" She was very angry, almost as angry as Will.

I kept my head down and nodded "Yes ma'am."


"Mr.Johnson I'm very disappointed in you." Says Dr.Samuelson, her anger had subsided a little. "I know you have had trouble getting along with other students in the last. But I never thought it would go this far." She sighed. I had told myself at the beginning of the year to never hurt someone on purpose. But I had, I had hurt a girl for sticking up for a girl I was bullying.

"In my years of teaching at this school I have never experienced something as awful as this. Hector, I am suspending you for 2 weeks at the moment. But if Carters condition worsens I will have to extend the time of your absence." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. I knew I was putting a lot of stress on everyone here. I was in so much trouble.

"I know Dr.Samuelson. I really messed up this time. I honestly don't know why I did what I did."

"Hector, you reacted the way you did because you felt threatened by Carter." I looked up at her. What was she trying to say? Was I intimidated by Carter? "You tripped Diana, so you could feel power... like you were better, stronger. When Carter stepped in to help Diana you reacted because Carter was taking away your power. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?"

I nodded, I was angry at Carter for standing up for Diana. She was proving that I didn't have as much power as I felt I had. Carter had power, she had the power to do good things... to fix the bad things. I made some of those bad things. I was the bad guy, I was the one to be punished for everything I had done. To Carter. To Diana. To everyone I had ever done something wrong to.

What would I do now? Just be nothing at this school. I was no longer the tough guy. I no longer had power.

Carter took away that power.

Suddenly I felt extremely horrible. I had to apologize to Carter. I stood up from my seat. "Dr.Samuelson? Is it ok if I go apologize to Carter?"

"Well I suppose that would be ok. But I'm warning you Hector. Will is with Carter and he was very angry when I talked to him moments ago." I knew Will was angry, he would be furious at me for what I had done.

"Thank you." I whispered leaving the office.

Before I knew it I had arrived at the door to Carters room. I knocked slowly. There was a faint come in and I opened the door.

Carter lay in bed, awake. Thank goodness. Will was at her side holding her hand but he stood up as soon as he saw me. Mr. Bennett sat in a chair next to Katie, Riley and... Diana. My heart stopped when I saw her. Of course she was here she was Carters friend.

I turned back to Will he was fuming. "You have a lot of nerve coming in here Johnson! Do you know what you have done?!" He started towards me dropping Carters had.

He approached rapidly, I couldn't back down, I knew he was right. I knew I lost my power. I watched as Riley and Katie held Will back. "Let go of me!" He yelled at them. "Did you see what he did to Carter!"

"Will... please." It was so silent you almost didn't hear it. The sound of Carters voice was awful, she sounded like a dieting frog.

Will turned around to face Carter. He reached for her hand and held it closely. "Alright." He sighed "But only this once." He said glaring at me.

"What do you want Hector?" Riley asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"I... I just wanted to apologize." I dropped my gaze to the floor, I couldn't look at their eyes. "I'm sorry Carter, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry Diana, I didn't mean to hurt you either. I'm sorry to everyone else." I sighed and turned to leave not looking back at the bunch. I didn't want to see their faces.

You idiot! Look what you did! My brain shouted at me. I wanted to tell it to shut up, but it was right.

What had I done?

If the boss wants this job done I'm gonna need a raise.

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