13. Have a very Elmo Christmas

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Chapter thirteen. Have a very Elmo Christmas

"Mummy wake up! Wake up! Santa's been here!" A little monkey woke me up from my peaceful bliss.

Agh damn.

I forgot that Jace was absolutely excited about Christmas Day and getting his presents.

"Okay sweetie. Can Mummy sleep some more?" I asked him with one eye open.

"No, Mummy wake up now!" He disagreed in his baby lisp.

Ohh come on!

"Okay Jace," I said and got comfy again in my bed.

"Mummy!" Jace wailed jumping in the bed. I didn't say anything I just stuffed my pillow into my face.

"Mummy up now!" He cried. Jace stopped jumping and I heard him plop down. I could imagine him with a pout. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was five thirty in the morning!

What the hell?!! How could a child get up this early?! Oh yeah he was so excited. Normally I could wake up at this time but I was way too tired since I was up all night getting the presents under the tree and filling Jace's stocking. Well let's just say, I could be Mother Christmas. Suddenly I felt Jace start jumping on the bed again.

"Mummy wake up, Mummy wake up, Mummy wake up, Mummy wake up, Mummy wake up, Mumm-"

"Okay, Jason! I'm up!" I yelled in frustration.

"YAY!" he cried and jumped off the bed, where my son gets his energy from, I will never know. I dragged myself out of my bed and yawned. It should be a crime to be awake at this time of day.

"Right Jace, let's go open presents," I said sleepily and picked him up and walked to the living room.

My living room had absolutely transformed into Santa's grotto. What I didn't realise was that Drew and Jace had decorated everything all over again, when I went shopping with Becca. I was absolutely blown away not because it was amazing, but because Drew has no creativeness whatsoever. He had literally ruined my Christmas tree and draped garlands everywhere. I was beyond mad with him but it was funny because Jace began to think that we lived with Santa.

I sat down in front of my Christmas tree, with Jace in my lap.

"Okay, Jace go get your stocking," I said to Jace. He stood up off, my lap and walked to get his stocking. He came back and plopped down in the floor and spilled out all his presents onto the floor.

"Wow..." He sighed as he took a wrapped tubed shape present. I held back my smirk, as Jace unwrapped it. I had wrapped all his presents in Elmo wrapping paper. He tore the paper and stared at the blue tube.

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