11. Happy Birthday Blake

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Chapter eleven. Happy Birthday Blake

Ellie's POV

Months went by. And it had been a long time since Lissa last provoked me. I guess Blake's warning to Lissa made her scared shitless. Halloween passed in blur. Jace had a great time dressing up as a baby pumpkin and went out with Andrew and Rebecca for trick or treating since I didn't want people thinking he was mine or something well it was true that he was mine. 

I told Rebecca to say that Jace was her nephew and she was doing her big sister a favour.

Blake and I had thankfully finished our wretched project about Mars and we got an A on it. We were only five marks away from an A* but the stupid idiot ruined that when we had to present the project to the whole class. That left me glaring at him for the whole day. A lot of time had passed by; I was so amazed by how my life was. I was juggling being a full time mother, a high school student, looking for a job (which I hadn't found yet because none of the options I had, suited me) and studying my arse off. School was the same; some things had changed like everyone was getting ready for the party of the year which was just really Blake's eighteenth birthday. Every year since he had been in this school he threw loads of parties some for his birthday and others for just having fun. Nearly the whole of our year group in school was invited and that included... Me. Blake's birthday was on the 5th of December but his part was on the 7th since it was a Saturday. Blake was so lucky that he was turning eighteen; I wouldn't be eighteen for another two months. Sadly my birthday was on the first of February, I absolutely hated having a birthday on the first day of the month, for some reason I used to think that birthdays on the first day of any month, didn't matter but now I sort of saw sense but it didn't help that Jace was born on the first of September. Jace wasn't even due till like the near end of September and he came bloody early, I guess it was all the stress and nerves that were on me, made him come early. Nevertheless he was as healthy as a horse when he was born.

Sadly today was the day of the party since it was a Saturday. I really didn't want to go and I wasn't planning to.

"The Wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round the wheels on the bus go round and round all day loooong," Jace sang along to a new book that I had brought him. It was one of those hard books that had buttons along the side and you could choose a nursery rhyme song to sing or listen to. So the last hour Jace had been listening to The Wheels on The Bus. It really was annoying me but I couldn't do anything apart from watch my son enjoy his childhood.

"Jace baby, can you listen to another one?" I asked Jace slowly. He looked at me and shook his head and went back to his book.

"All day loooong," he sang. Agh! This was seriously driving me mad. I got up and walked into my kitchen it was nearly dinner time and I hadn't got anything ready. I had been so busy studying and looking after Jace that I had actually forgotten to feed him lunch which was a good five hours ago. I felt like such a bad mother for not feeding their child. I really did hate myself sometime for the way that I treated my son.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath.

"Jason are you hungry?" I called to my son from the kitchen.

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