9. You can come to me

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Chapter 9. You can come to me.

"Well Elle I am glad you're back in school, it hasn't been the same with me and Becca," Drew said slugging an arm over my shoulder. It was now Thursday and after four days of being sick I finally recovered. It was horrible being sick and I found out that one child at Jace's nursery had diarrhoea and had the flu. I mean who would send their sick child to school?! That's was just disgustingly... I couldn't even find words for it.

"Well I'm glad, I'm Back. Seriously being sick is horrible!" I groaned.

"Haha well you're better now," Becca smiled. As we carried on walking up our next lesson, I saw Blake near his locker. He looked at me and have me a small smirk, I blushed beet red and returned him with a small smile. Blake wasn't that bad of a guy. Yes he could be an ass at times but I really wanted to get up know the real Blake Marshall.

Suddenly I was slammed up against a locker. Man that hurt. I started seeing black dots in my vision.

"Bitch, what did I say?! Blake is mine!" A squeaky voice snapped me up. I looked at the person as my vision became clearer and saw Lissa Amble pinning me against a locker. By now loads of people were surrounding us. I could just about make out three people; Becca, Drew and Blake.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I groaned as the back of my head started pummelling.

"Well, you didn't listen to my warning oh wait I didn't even give you a warning. My mistake," she laughed bitterly.

"You are one stupid psychopath," I spat at her. She slammed me up against the wall harder after I said that. I winced in pain and glared at her.

"I told you once but since I am nice I will say it again," Lissa said in a sweetly sickly voice.

"Oh please cut the drama and leave me alone. We both know that this is about me looking better than you," I snickered provoking her even more. She shrieked in horror.

"Please honey, you look like you've come from a family of tramps!" As soon as she said that my anger started to boil to piping hot!

"Shut the fuck up! You're the girl who hides behinds daddy's credit cards and your stupid trust funds! You're the girl who everyone thinks is a whore. Oh wait, that's because you are one!" I sneered with nothing but venom in my voice.


"Bitch? Is that what you were going to say? Well look at yourself you slag!" I screamed at her and shoved her away from me. I was about to walk away but something grabbed me by the hair. That something started yanking my hair out like there was no tomorrow. I screamed as I felt like all my hair was going to be pulled off. I caught the something's wrist, which I now realised was Lissa, and pulled her claws out of my perfectly straight hair.

"You really are crazy!" I screamed as I slapped her in the face. I heard cheers of people and some even chanting 'fight, fight, fight' over and over again.

"Ooh it's on now bitch!" Lissa screamed as she backhanded me, making her slap on my cheek echo down the corridor.

That I had to admit hurt like a bitch.

"Right that's it, you fucking whore!" I growled as I pounced on Lissa. I knocked her to the floor as we, well; I began my bitch fight against her. As I slapped and pulled Lissa's hair tears drenched out of my eyes.

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