Special Thanks & Author Note

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I think it is only customary and expected for any writer to feel a great depth of gratitude to their readers. I don't just mean the regular readers who vote and commented with every update or chapter...I mean everyone that silently reads or considers your work on any level. A story is nothing without those willing to read or listen to it, and this little fanfic is not exempt from that fact. So with a great deal of heartfelt gratitude and joy I would like to thank everyone that reads this story - both past and present.

The idea behind this fanfiction was not just a simple 'Girl falls into Middle Earth' trope, it was a conscious decision I made to marry the love I have for Tolkien's Silvan Elves (and in fairness his whole world and works) and the complexities of being young in a difficult and hard society. It was born from a place of personal struggle, and although the character of Clara is far removed from myself, I do believe she and her experiences in this alternate world, are a fantasied projection of many issues faced by all of us at some point in our lives. Sometimes "death" is not just physical but spiritual, sometimes part of our world "dies" and we do not know how to revive it - whether by a fault of our own or just by plain bad luck. We don't need a handsome Prince to rescue us, or a Kingdom to revive us...what we need is to discover, that buried deep inside of all of us, is the ability to overcome, and it can come in many different forms. Sometimes it is our attitude to our problems, to others, and to ourselves, that causes the strife and confusion in our lives...sometimes we just have to see through another perspective...sometimes a fantastical one.

Clara's story will continue, for my hope is that she can develop and thrive as a character in her new found confidence. That she can learn to love, and be guided by love, and maybe even help others to love. She would never be possible, as a character, without the love of her readers and I am so very grateful for each and every one of you.

There is a little Clara, Thranduil, Oropher, Ollie, Aradan, and Legolas in all of us...and I think that is the magic in writing and especially in Tolkien's world. It may not be possible to go there, but he has left us such a world and legacy that each of us can be a part of it.

I would like to take a moment to thank Rousdower  for being a friend...because we find friends in unlikely places...and I would not be writing if it wasn't for you.

I would also like to thank Raider-k for being the true definition of a fellow fan and peer...your grace and positivity is infectious....as is your talent.

Thanks TiedinRed for penning TeamSmirkwood, and MavisMcQueen  for  sharing my love for Oropher! Both of you are gems, that really embraced this story and TeamSmirkwood as an idea hehe -  that and your stories are inspiring!

Elf_and_an_agent and princeleggy and Tammyt70  for showing me that being a Wattpad user is really about being a community, and welcoming me first with such fun and happiness.

SineadRobyn , who generously created the stunning book cover. Thank you so much for being so giving, that was the sweetest thing. Seriously this wattpadder can write too - #talented

To everyone that voted and commented, or sent me messages, I am very appreciative and I would list you all if only I wasn't so frightened of missing one of you out! Please know that this story exists because of you guys...because being a reader is just as important as being the writer.

And of course - thank you to Wattpad - for providing the most engaging and social platform I have written in.

Well I shall end my emotional ramble here, and remind you that I will be posting up the sneak peek next for Book II which is almost finished and in the editing phases. So keep a look out for;

To Live Again - The Road to War

If it sounds dangerous...it's because it is...hehe. What, did you expect a happily ever after? Oh, the story is far from over yet.

To Live Again {Lord of the Rings/ThranduilXOC Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now