11: "...gasping for air."

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I was still on the high of last week and my excitement only grew when Angel asked me out on an official date. It was Saturday and he told me to be ready by tonight. My parents were also going to be meeting him for the first time, so I'm very nervous about that. This was the first guy I'm bringing home to them. I'm scared they won't like him, what if they ask really personal questions, or worst-case scenario they might ask about his family, his mom, brother. . . and dad.

    I tried my best to shake off the nerves with a hot shower. I wiped the mirror clear of steam and stared at myself in the eyes. "You got this," I whispered, talking to myself. "You're gonna be fine, your parents will act right and you shouldn't be scared to go on a date with the guy you like."

    Is it a bad thing to be nervous? I usually would say no but it's been killing me. I already know Angel, we've already connected over so much. We know the majority of our likes and dislikes, we know each other's favorite movies, books, even ice cream flavors. So why am I so scared he won't like me?

    I finished drying off and getting ready. I put on some light base makeup hoping it'll cover any fears on my face. I made my way downstairs while waiting for Angel's text. He was already on his way and he still won't tell me what he has planned. My parents were fast away in the kitchen making some tamales they had to take to a party tomorrow.

    The bell rang and I rushed to the door, Angel stood outside scrambling to fix his shirt. I peeked out the curtain and fixed my hair, took a deep breath, then opened the door. I greeted him as the wind hit my face, messing up my hair again. He smirked and reached up to fix it for me, as his hand fell it caressed my face and that sent shivers down my spine.

    "Come in." I greeted him with a quick peck.

    "Hey!" My dad came from the kitchen and shook his hand. "It's great to finally meet you, Angel, Kendall has told us so much about you."

    "Oh, is he here?" My mom peeked out from the kitchen. She came walking out whipping her hands on her apron. "Hi, Angel." She gave him a quick hug and pinched his cheek. "You're so cute, where's your family from?"

    I didn't even know that.

    "My dad's black, he was born here and my mom is Korean, she's from Korea." He laughed. "Something smells great."

    "Oh we're making tamales, you should have one." My dad seemed so excited.

    "I love tamales." He smiled at them.

    I wasn't so sure if we were going out to dinner anymore. Maybe it was something more lowkey--maybe a movie? Movies sound like a typical first date but I don't think anything is out that we both want to watch. I always wondered what my first date with a guy would be like. If it was up to me I would take him out to a really cute cafe, we'd have some hot drinks, try all the desserts they have, and then take a stroll in central park. It would end with us sitting on the benches by the pond and sharing a kiss at sundown. That sounded very romantic to me.

    We sat around the table, Angel was set up with about three tamales on his plate. "Ma, that's so much food."

    "You guys are growing, you need to eat." She blew on her tea. "But don't feel pressure to finish it all, I'm sure you guys are probably going to get something to eat."

    "So tell us a bit about yourself Angel, have you lived in New York your whole life?"

    "I have actually, I was born right here in queens. I'm a new yorker through and through." He opened the corn husk and we watched as steam rose from the masa mixture. "My brother is currently in school, he goes to Boston University."

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