shitty poetry

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When they got up the following morning they remembered everything . Being fired , everything almost like a hangover where u aren't even in control of your own actions and you wake up the following morning and regret it. Luna walked the rest of the day in the forest . Maybe it was a good thing her quitting well they diddnt quit they  was fired , they had made a big thing about that yesturday and they had forgotten it themselves . They spent most of the afternoon sitting by a tree , basking in the sun and writing shitty poetry . Maybe it was a mental health thing writing twisted poetry , im fact that could be their  new career .


sad little girl always ignored always annoying
daddy dearest give me a rose so she can
breathe . daddy dearest .
cannibal lover kill ur own meat so she can breathe . Key around her neck strangling her till she is throttled . Fog representing her head . She deserved no one but it wasn't that no one deserved her . Stupid girl foolish strangled in the beauty of your own art .

split smiles cheshire grins . Pathetic little girl trapped in her own literature , pathetic little girl trapped into her own story which isn't even her . Eat your stewed crows and decorate your bloody crown with its feathers . Stupid girl trapped in their imagination . twisted . twisted twisted like an edgar allan poe fairytale twisted like the mind of the stupid little girl . Stupid . annoying is she who she seeks they run around a carousel for the butchers son cutting up her own heart so she can not breathe .

They knew it was shit but oh well . Leaves scattered about like a small whirlpool, the sun burned down on them more than ever

then .

Almost a whisper came by

luna it rasped .

It had to be the wind Luna thought . But then something. happened like a long lost memory being uncovered something changing everything . Jinx's aura

It wasn't visible it but They could feel it . How was Jinx here . Luma guessed he was probably alive but -

The reality of it ..

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