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"what happened to your hair " exclaimed Ellis

It was Lunas first day back to work after their fortnightly mental break down and of course forgot about them split dying their hair brown and blonde .

Ellis was in her usual snooty face expression which she reserved especially for Luna . Luna was honestly surprised they hadn't been fired with them continuously skipping work , the universe must really want them there . But all that would change .

"go see gallagher " demanded Ellis who was enjoying all this . old cow .

Gallagher office was even wider than DI Starks office stretching out like a sphere , maybe that was the beauty of it .

"Detective Eclipse " muttered Gallagher behind a stack of case papers . Oh gods with all these unsolved cases being reopened he would be in an even worse mood .

"have a seat " bowed Gallagher in his mocking way which he would do if he thought someone was being high and mighty , well he should bow to himself Luna thought .

"Look Eclipse you haven't been coming to work "

"any reasons why " asked Gallagher "maybe an affair with your boss or a scandal you don't want us knowing "

of course always being dramatic , It was like that rumour of Starks ex wife killing someone . It was so outlandish.

"i've been ill" replied Luna sharply

"mmmm and your hair " tutted Gallagher

"how is me dying my hair effecting anything " secretly smirked Luna

"plus i've had my hair dyed since i joined , brown isn't my natural colour you know "

"would you like me to book you an appointment with a physiologist " muttered Gallagher

Luna knew what it must look like snapping all the time, never coming to work anymore, impolsively cutting off and dying hair , it looked like they were having a breakdown which wasn't at all far from the truth however their breakdown started even before this job and all of these idiots . Luna kept forgetting that they were a witch , they could hex all of these idiots . But no , that wouldn't be right .

"i oblige you to quit Detective Eclipse or not Detective anymore " demanded Gallagher

"you mean your firing me " smirked Luna

"i am obliging you to quit " shouted Gallagher hating to be made a fool of .

"if you oblige me to quit your making me quit so that would be firing me "

And suddenly Luna started laughing uncontrollably like a physcopath or serial killer ,

"GET OUT " screamed Gallagher

"oh so are you fired " smirked Ellis

"shut up u old bitch " Yelled Luna

Ellis's face turned to shock . Well they had make quite an exit . It was hard to remember Luna as the sweet little kid they were before everything . They had gone lower than ever or maybe they were right at the surface again .

Luna walked home and saw the forest which lit up their face . The forest always made them feel better although not today . Lunas mood could kind of control the forests and it was dark and leaves were falling off . Maybe they were lower than they ever really were .

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