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Clarence's pov

Two weeks after surgery.....

When i woke up in hospital, the whole Miguel family was sorrounding me and so was my adoptive son. It took me a while to figure out where i was and why i was there and when i did, i honestly did not want anything to do with them. But they were my family, they were there for me when my parents weren't and even when i was sick in a hospital bed they showed up, although i was told mom and dad showed up eventually, they were still the first to get there.

I had not seen Arnold and i just assumed he did not care enough to come and see me. It honestly hurt to know the love of my life no longer loved me but i had to cope. Miles needed me and there was nothing i could do to change that.

I was currently in my kitchen making waffles for Miles and I. I had an off from work so there was no need to go there, I was working from home. After all, i was the CEO.

I turned around when I heard Miles babbling behind me and saw him crawling to me. The kid was just too cute for his own good. I picked him up so that i could put him in his high chair before I heard the doorbell. I sighed and walked to the door and opened. Blake and Ben stood there and i could see the family car packed not far away in my driveway so I had a feeling they were all here.

"Hey Clarr, can we like talk?" Asked Blake. I looked behind them at the car but they pretended not to know what i was looking at so i shrugged and opened the door further.

"Sure, its not like its 8 in the morning or anything..." I sighed. Ben let out a huge smile and entered first.

"Great, we thought you would still be asleep actually." he said and i mentally face palmed myself. Miles made grabby hands to Blake who cooed and took him from my arms, the kid is a betrayer.

"I made breakfast, you up?" I asked. They both nodded at the same time. Not gonna lie, the three sets of Miguel twins still creeped me out with how similar they were to each other.

"Yeah, Cain made breakfast." Blake winced and i smiled. Cain was not the best at making pancakes and he surprisingly always made then if he was making breakfast.

"So what's up?" I asked as I settled and placed there plates in front of them and tried to take Miles from Blakes arms so i could feed him.

"Don't worry, he is my nephew, i can take good care of him." Blake smiled at me. I looked down when he said nephew, Arnold didn't even know and it seemed he didn't want me, and if he did not want me, he did not want Miles either. Besides, he could get a wife to get him a child who will be there nephew.

"Yeah I noticed last weekend." I said with a playful glare. Blake and Ben had decided it was spoil your nephew day and went out shopping with my baby, only to come back with two jeep trunks full of toys.

"Oh come on...Miles loved it!" Ben laughed. I put a piece of waffle in my mouth and swallowed before letting out a fake laugh.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you don't spoil him so much, he might expect more in future and you guys might not be there." I said thinking about Arnold.

They looked at each other.

"What does that mean?" Asked Ben. I sighed and drank some orange juice.

"You guys are getting married and you will soon have kids, plus Arnold does not want anything to do with me anymore." I said. Their eyes widened and Blake seemed hurt by my words more than Ben.

"First of all our kids are going to be cousins whether you like it or not!" Ben said.

"And we are going to spoil them till the day they start spoiling us when we are old...together and as a family." Blake added.

"And i don't know where you got the idea that Arnold does not want anything to do with you but that is not something someone who donated his kidney to you would do!" They said together. That was creepy. Then i processed their words.

"Wait,what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Your kidney was damaged in the accident Clarence." Blake calmly said.

"How is this news to me?" I asked shocked. They said i only broke a couple of bones and had some internal injuries that got well over the comma I was in.

"Well, that's what the scar in your abdomen is for, its where the surgery was conducted...."

"You fucking said it was a deep glass cut!" My eyes teared up as i started imagining the worst. How could they do this to Me? Hide such important information from me? Was i Okay? Would my kidney stop working eventually? And most importantly, was Arnold Okay? I was panicking and Blake and Ben both held my hands.

"We had to tell you that, dad said so. We wanted Arnold to explain everything to you when he wakes up because it seemed you guys were not in good terms in Australia...but..." Ben stopped and looked at the ground.

Blake held his brothers shoulder blades to comfort him and my heartbeat skyrocketed, why did they seem like they wanted to cry? Was my Arnold okay? Why did they allow him to do such a thing? They were owners of a hospital! Why couldn't they get a kidney from any of those hospitals? Why couldn't they let me die?

"We told him he didn't have to, hell, dad begged him to let him import a kidney, he just wouldn't let him, something about taking responsibility for his actions and showing how much he loves you..." Ben was in tears and by the warm feeling on my cheeks, so was I. Miles looked at us confused, he didn't have to see his dad like this.

"The doctor said he was going to wake up in three days, but he's been unresponsive for three weeks and today...." Blake's eyes glimmered with unshed tears and i couldn't help the sob that escaped my mouth.

"Where's my baby Blake?" I asked. He couldn't look at me in the eye. They tightly held each others arms and i could only hold Miles for comfort.

"He was taken to the ICU, his vitals were too high and....and we were called two hours ago...and dad said it would be better if you knew because you would want to see him...." Blake said and now i was shaking my head in disbelief.

"Even if it is for the last t......" My anger boiled within me and i clamped Ben's mouth shut.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! Arnold would never leave us! He is the strongest man I know and even though i might be freaking mad at him, I will not let him leave me, not two weeks to our son's third birthday." I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Blake.

"To grab a jacket for Miles and his shoes and mine, and some clothes to change, we are gonna stay in that hospital till he gets out of that ICU!" I said rushing up the stairs.

He may have messed up but he is still the love of my life.

The lost Mafia princeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora