10: Handing over ownership.

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Three weeks later

Arnold POV

It has been three weeks of my mom convincing me why I couldn't stay with her anymore. She was not willing to go to rehab and dad did not want her living with us anymore. I still lay on my hospital bed feeling tired and so scared about my future. No one had bothered me for the past seven hours and I was grateful. It was pretty hard to take it all in. To go from the poorest of lifestyles to the richest. From living with the only parent I ever knew to living with one I always thought hated me. From having to shy away from boys because I knew I was attracted to them to living with now one but seven very attractive males who were my family. Honestly I felt like a black sheep in that family, how were they all so attractive? I mean even my mom was attractive.

I spoke too soon because the door opened and Michael stepped in. I still wasn't used to calling him dad. He smiled as he sat beside my bed and held my arm. By instinct, I pulled my arm away but immediately regretted  when I saw the hurt look on his face. He didn't talk about it though.

"So, how are you feeling now love?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I dunno, nothing specifically, I just miss my mom." I said. He stiffened and sighed.

"I'll let her visit you after your lunch." He said and started standing up.

"Michael?" I called and he turned around. Clearly not loving how I called him.

"Why cant she stay with us?" I asked. He leaned on the wall.

"Because we got a divorce when you were five years old, besides we were never in love." He spoke.

"Why did you marry her then?" I questioned.

He crouched beside my bed and smiled.

"It was an arranged marriage I was only nineteen and I couldn't tell my dad my one secret." He said. I nodded as he brushed my cheeks with his thumb. He started to get out again but I held his hand.

"Don't you feel lonely though?" I asked. He smiled.

"I used to...but now I have my whole family, I have Blake, I have Ben, Dennis, Daniel, Cain and Chris and most importantly, I got the missing part of my family." He smiled. My chest fluttered at his words but I just wanted to hear him say it himself.

"Whose that?" I whispered. He bent down and gave me a fore head kiss.

"Its you Arnold, you were the missing prince to our kingdom." He spoke and teared up. I smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you.." I said.

"For what love?" He asked.

"For accepting and loving me even though I don't match your league." I said tears slipping out of my eyes.

"You don't match our league Arnold, you are in our league." He said and I felt so wanted at that moment I almost told him the secret I had never told my mom. I almost told my dad I was gay.

"The court called, your mom accepted to hand over ownership without going to court. I guess she realized how pointless it was to fight." He nervously chuckled.

"So am gonna live in your mansion with you guys?" I asked. He smiled and nodded fondly. He looked so excited and his blue eyes twinkled.

"Yes and you will have so much fun, I will give you everything you ever want....take you wherever you want and I will make up for the twelve years I missed in on your life." He spoke still excited. I nodded.

"Yeah that'd be fun." I said shyly.

"Will i still go to my old school?" I asked. He looked at me unsure.

"Do you want to? I won't separate you from your friends if you don't want to be." He said. I smiled and shook my head.

"No its not, I actually want to leave, I don't have friends there." I said smiling. He nodded.

"Good because we were actually going to go to Italy. Your grandparents can't wait to meet you and give you twelve years worth of presents." He smiled.

I was pretty excited about the fact that I would be getting presents from my grandparents.

"As for me,I have 12 birthday presents waiting for you there." He smiled. I nodded. I wouldn't want to be anybody else at that moment.

"Are you happy Arnold?" He asked. I looked at him questioningly.

"About what?" I asked.

"Are you content about living with us? I want you to accept us yourself and not because of some court order." He said and I smiled as I nodded.

"As long as you guys are happy having me." I smiled. He nodded and sat back down on his chair staring at the wall. Even I could tell as much as Michael was happy to have me,he was still missing something in his life.

We stayed in silence for some minutes with none of us speaking. The only sound was the beeping of the machines connected to me. As much as I was now used to Michael, I still felt like this silence was so uncomfortable.

"Michael?" I called him hesitantly. His head shot up like he already knew what I was going to ask. He looked at me for a while as I tried to remember how to ask a question without getting the other party angry. I bit my lips and looked at Michael once again.

"You said your parents made you marry my mom because you didn't tell them your secret?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"What was this secret?" I asked. He chuckled as if he found it amusing that I was scared to ask such a simple question.

He leaned forward as if he was about to tell me the greatest secret ever and I almost giggled.

"Well love, I was so scared to tell my dad and mom that I wasn't attracted to Martha....or any girl for that matter, I am gay." He smiled at me and my eyes widened in realization.

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