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I knelt in front of my mother and her boyfriend as they spat insults at me. I had not cooked dinner to perfection again, but how could I? No one had ever taught me how to cook and I couldn't access social media since I didn't have a phone talk more of WiFi. I cried when Jordan threw a punch at me and I fell back. My brain couldn't process what happened after wards but I found myself locked in the basement. It wasn't that bad If he did not do what the rest did. I stayed in the basement for what seemed like days but was most probably hours. I felt hungry and scared and in pain. I knew I had missed school even if I didn't know what time it was. I had to catch of on four days worth of assignment, it was a miracle I wasn't expelled yet.

There was no light. I could still smell stale blood from my last beating. I was tied to a chair in a very uncomfortable position and I couldn't move. I felt my hands get cramps and I knew it would get worse if I as much as twist my hand. I took a deep breath trying to remember how to escape from a tied up position on a chair, I had seen it on a YouTube video when I went to the library the previous week. I didn't remember much, damn my stupid brain. I heard voices up stairs and I felt a lump form in my throat. The front door opened and closed from the inside which meant one thing. Either mom or her boyfriend of the night had left, it was likely mom because she wouldn't lock the door from inside. I bit the inside of my cheeks as my heart pounded loudly in my chest, I felt so scared and withdrawn.  John was way better than all this. Normally he would just insult me and that would be it. People at school would just pretend I did not exist except for the usual shove here and there. I heard the door of the basement creak open and my heart dropped to my stomach.

Jordan was carrying a small lantern light on his left hand and what I could only assume was a dagger on his left. I always wondered where mom got psychopaths as dates but I didn't want to know, I'd rather assume they were just her boyfriends and my mom was a player. He chuckled darkly as he stared at my tied up form. Jordan was the most frequent of my mom's 'boyfriends' . In fact, I was so used to seeing him I almost thought my mom would finally settle down, but he was like the rest when I eventually realized who he truly was, a drunkard looking for a good night. I was seven when I saw Jordan for the first time, he brought me chocolates and sweets and I almost trusted him, that was until my mother one day left him to take care of me as she went to work. I was an innocent child, I trusted him, and what did good ole Jordan do? He raped me! He raped a seven year old kid and left me bleeding in my room. He paid my mom double for the 'night'.

When mom realized she could get double if she sold us both off, she decided to try her luck and I lost all the innocence in me before I even became eight. Her dates would beat me up, tie me up and some even shoved my face down the toilet. It was so bad, I usually passed out for days. When my mom would get sober she would apologize and like the foolish son I was, I would accept her apology. I never realized I did not deserve that, not until I met my real father and brothers who loved me unconditionally but there were things I couldn't tell them happened to me.

I looked at Jordan as he neared me. I was sixteen then, I took a sharp inhale when he sliced through my chest and blood trickled down. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me scream. He didn't seem to like that, he stabbed my thigh and I had to bite my lip so as not to let out the scream I wanted to let out so badly. He smirked as he looked at me with lust filled eyes.

"If taking your mother home is all I have to do to see your pretty face begging me to stop hurting you, then I would do it on a daily basis." He chuckled tracing his tough hands on my face. I turned away but he forced me to face him and that was when I could not hold it any longer, I spat on his face. He glared at me and smirked. If Jordan was not a psychopath pervert I would proudly say he is handsome.

He had piercing brown eyes that always had a glimmer to them and a well sculpted face. He had a sharp jawline and toned abs. He had tan skin which seemed natural. If he wasn't a pathetic drunkard I'd say he worked out daily because of his perfect body and being gay, it wasn't just his body that was perfect. His smile, it was the thing he used to manipulate me to trust him. It always seemed so genuine and trust worthy. He looked at my tear filled eyes and he seemed to hesitate.

"What? You want to pretend you still have humanity down there Jordan?" I spat at him which I regretted immediately. I should have just kept quiet since his dark demeanor was back as he sliced through my flesh and occasionally punched me till I was too weak to even look up at him. Then he untied me and lay me on the floor. He took off my clothes and without warning, he thrust into me making me cry out in pain.

"You should know I am not always lenient when my pets disobey me Arnie." He chuckled as he kept thrusting in me. It did not take long for black dots to completely cover my vision and I welcomed the darkness gratefully.

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