Chapter 53

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Flashback continues**

Xavier stared at her for a while. He was wearing a bitter smile on his face.

"Xavier, I just feel so alone and lonely" Ashley wispered on his shoulder half asleep.

"Why do you think so?" he asked stroking her hair.

"No one is there for me in this world, dwelling here all alone, I am just fed up of this life, Do you think anybody would remember me or be sad if I just gave up tommorow" her heartbreaking voice echoed through his ears.

He saw a lone tear trickle down her face, the heartbreaking silence followed after it.

He wiped her several tears which were making the shirt he wore today wet.

Ashley clutched onto him and said "Xav, please stay here with me for a while, I don't want you to leave me too"

Xavier looked at her with hurt eyes, what does she take him as, him leaving her, not even God was able to do that.

"Hey, why do you think I am leaving, can't you see the tall, handsome man whom you are leaning your head on"

"Are you really here, not leaving?" she asked in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks to make sure he was here.

It was like she was drunk but in reality she was tired and sick of everything.

"Shut up, don't you know I am here, I have always been there, just where were you looking and for whom were looking?" he was hurt, so hurt with her words and it pained him even more to prove his own existence.

He had been there all along, helping her in danger, steading her when she staggered, does she really doesn't know?

"Ashley we are best of friends who will stick to the end of universe"

Ashley gave a sarcastic chuckle "What if I died and left you tomorrow? Won't you leave me? As time passes you won't even remember my name"

"Are you sick? Why do you always think about death, I am telling you this last time, even death can't make you get rid of me, I am the part of your soul, you can't leave me behind" he said.

"Why? Why? just Why? Why don't you go away? Why don't you find me annoying like the others? Why can't you just leave me?" She cried as she hit him by her right hand on the chest.

Xavier caught her hand and shaked her.

"Ashley, wake up, listen, I love you, it's not an infatuation or some kind or ridiculous love at first, I have loved you since centuries" He dropped a bomb.

Ashley froze for a while at his words and laughed "Don't joke about such things"

Xavier's expression didn't changed at her words, he still looked at her with his determined and loving gaze.

Well, she was just too dense to understand this.

As she was half asleep, the next day, she just thought that it was a ridiculous dream.

She made a big mistake since that day. She avoided him like plague because whenever she gazed at him, she will remember that dream and her face will become red hot.

Flashback end***

The flashed like a dam before her yes and disappeared as quickly as they came, leaving some sort of regret and bitter taste behind.

They were the same people in the hundred lived she lived, the same person, a hundred but not one was an happy ending.

And, unfortunately neither was it this time either.

Katherine stared at Xander for a long while before hugging him.

Her eyes were sad as she pecked his lips and said "Xander, I am sorry, but I would have to go, we will meet again, I promise, we will surely meet again and that time I won't even let Gods separate us"

"It's a promise" she said slipping off of his hands as she walked into the sea od the undead like demons, wearing a smile on her face.

She was just waiting for her death and before dying she wanted to do something for the people her mother cherished.

Xander just stood there with his hand frozen towards the direction she walked.

Once again she left him, all alone and lonely in this big world. Everytime, each and everytime , he failed to make her realise how much she meant to him.

He felt like a fool, chasing someone who was never supposed to be his. He chased for the last hundred lives, but the outcome didn't change, in any life, be it the first, tenth or now the one hundred and oneth, she never loved him back.

His love even though not one sided always remained unrequited.

But now he had been patient enough, the rage and frustrations building inside him can't hold anymore.

The palace shaked as the wrath of the Red Dragon came to life, cause he had had enough of her running away now she can't.

He doesn't care if it is right or wrong but, she is, staying beside him, if not willingly, he will chain her to him side so she can't run away anymore.

____________ ____________

The mansion stood dead silent in the erie silence of night. Nothing was heard, not even the swishing of the leaves by the wind or the sound of the foot steps of the little creatures that roamed around.

The place has been enveloped in darkness for a long time.

A frightening aura hovered in the air horrifying anyone who approached the woods in which the mansion was located.

The place was abandoned of its peacefully beautiful atmosphere two years ago, the only thing that was left out was unbearable dispair, helplessness, regret, hopelessness, anger and rage.

These overflowing and overbearing emotions robbed this beautiful scenery of it cheerful vibes in a moment several months ago.

Someone layed asleep on the bed in such deep sleep that they were not even moving their fingertips or turning to the best spot for a peaceful sleep like they used to.

If there was even a little movement, it might have sparked a little fire of hope in the heart of the person who sat at the table beside the bed.

The person sat with a thousand of papers and documents in their hand, handling the palace affairs while suffering from their own misery.

It is well known that to cope with sadness people tend to drown themselves in their work and it was what he did too.

This place was an isolated vacation home, located in the depths of the Silver Forest, Dragon Wales.

Xander stared at the documents in his hand. He clutched his head and sighed, this thing was giving him a bad headache.

Time to time his gaze will wander off to the person laying still like a rock on on the bed. He gazed and gazed at his fiancée, Katherine, just as usual like he had been gazing for the last two years.

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